Let's wrap up the revenue-per-mile part of the thread.
As others said above, the formula is: Total revenue earned divided by total miles driven.
This is true of one load or of a set of loads, and it is true the same for all expediters.
Notice that it does not matter what kind of miles were driven (loaded or deadhead, paid or unpaid). Notice that it does not matter how the pay was earned (loaded miles paid, deadhead miles paid, or any other pay from the run(s) earned in any other way (fuel surcharge, reefer relocation, lift gate, labor, debris removal, etc.). The formula is simply, total revenue earned divided by total miles driven.
For the three loads above:
The total revenue for Load 1 is $700
($3.50 per mile x 200 loaded miles, zero deadhead pay).
The total revenue for Load 2 is $3,800
($1.65 per mile x 2,000 loaded miles, plus $500 deadhead pay)
The total revenue for Load 3 is $4,410
($2.10 per mile x 2,100 loaded miles, zero deadhead pay).
The total revenue for these three loads combined is $8,910
The total miles for Load 1 is 400 (200 loaded, 200 deahdead).
The total miles for Load 2 is 2,500 (2,000 loaded, 500 deadhead).
The total miles for Load 3 is 2,340 (2,100 loaded, 240 deadhead).
The total miles for these three loads combined is 5,240.
So, using the formula:
Total Revenue/Total Miles = Average Revenue per Mile
We have:
$8,910/5,240 = $1.70