

Veteran Expediter
IF they were popular and could compete they would still be around.They are not.

But they were popular to those who needed that type of transportation. A few Baker owners for that matter kept their cars well past 30 years because they still served them well. We were not a "mobile" society back then and that is one reason why they did lose out and faded for a while until now.

Gasoline/diesel engines still are.

To a point. What do you think is the biggest negative of an electric car outside of the range?

The electrics are trying to make a come back although the idea that they are cleaner is a liberal selling point.

They have been coming back since the 50's - yes the 50's. See you can say it is a liberal selling point but I see it as something that benefits more than just the liberals in other non-political ways, like capitalism actually getting a chance to work. IF there is a need, as there was in say 1913 to produce something that would sell (Model T anyone?), then it makes sense that outside of the political crap, the produce may work. I for one see a need of an electric car when I move, my wife will have less than 10 miles to drive to work and back and everything she needs is within the range of a Nissan Leaf or a Detroit Electric for that matter. The two have differing technological goals but one transportation goal so either way, she is covered.

In other words, a joke. I would contend that they are WORSE for the environment.

Well here's the joke - the republican party. The last four republican presidents have done as much damage to the country as had the democrat presidents. Carter gave us the Department of Energy, Reagan expanded it and left us with a bureaucracy which in part has forced our country to have a hybrid economy which is failing. The other joke is this ME First attitude that has been making us spend money we don't need to spend, it is a liberal thing to think that we need to support everyone on borrowed money but those republican candidates who keep saying that they are conservative have no balls to cut those programs - remember the root word of conservative is conserve, so meaning to conserve what we have as in Status Quo.