OOIDA - Members Straight Trucks or Vans Only

Member of OOIDA

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  • Van

  • Straight Truck

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Expeditus Transport

Expeditus Transport

(419) 464-7678
Straigt Truck - Owners !

We provide 24-7-365 service for CDL - Straight truck Owners Operators and Fleet owners. Run Over the Road - Regional - or Local in some areas ! If you have a Straight truck with a Sleeper that is what we are looking for . No Day cabsNo age requirement on the truck . -Must pass annual Dot .Join the Fleet that has the Best Dispatch , ... Apply Today!


Veteran Expediter
Can't view results because I can't vote as a TT but have been a member since 2003. There should be a category for senior members 10+ years.


Staff member
Sorry about that Rollincoal. Scott from OOIDA is trying to figure out how many vans or straight trucks are members. I should have at least added a line for TT as expediters.


Veteran Expediter
That's ok. I do so little true expediting any more it's hardly worth claiming to be an expediter anyways. Lol. Would be interesting to see the results of how many EOL members here are with OOIDA. I see the stickers on smaller units from time to time but not often. Don't always see them on TT either. There is a misconception amongst a lot of drivers out there that one must be an owner operator to join. Which is simply not true at all. I was a company driver when I joined years ago. I don't always agree with them 100% but they are the only association drivers really have out here.


Veteran Expediter
US Air Force
Member for many years, currently owner-op sprinter, father is life member.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
I'm a life member although no longer a s/t and van O/O.


Veteran Expediter
I have asked before and going to ask again. What are your benefits of joining them. I'm not talking about a nice pair of sunglasses or a free ink pen for signing up..Is this more of a PAC committee to you folks that belong, or are you really getting everyday perks? Info please.. Sell me.. What will make me join?
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Veteran Expediter
I have not been a member because, like so many other things in expedited, I got the idea that OOIDA is a heavyweights-only club and us van guys need not apply.


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
Retired Expediter
US Navy
if you have a problem with a carrier they will help out
having a ooida decal on your unit will help if you are stopped at a road side check
a lot of discounts on different products , and hotels


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
US Army
I've been a member since 1982, now a Life Member, but retired from a Van in 2015.