Put a voltgauge to the alt and see what it reads.it should be just a hair more than the gauge reads.if it ever does not want to start but only makes a clicking noise like when a ford soleniod goes bad, look on the firewall, passanger side. there is a soleniod there with 4 wires going to it that will go bad. water drains on it all of the time. i kinda have a small problem with my van, the alt is charging, dash gauge shows charging,and i tested the alt and it shows 14.7 volts, but the battery light will light up once in awile on the dash. figure that one out!!
I don't think connection issues would be a problem as just been sitting and was fine before. Can alternators corrode causing underperformance over time? I idled it for about 20 minutes and had to shut it down before road test due to a corroded and leaking coolant reservoir.