Just having fun y'all hope it gave ya a laugh
#respect for what, may I ask?
For finding a fun way to kill time and express himself at the same time regardless of anyone thinks of him. This Harlem Shake dance is trending worldwide right now and I personally find all the videos funny as hell lol
#respect for what, may I ask?
#respect for what, may I ask?
Respect for the sense of humor he has.
Respect for the entertainment he provides.
Respect for the vulnerability to ridicule he shows, and the self-assurance that lies behind that.
Respect for the vibe he puts out ... the guy is having fun!
Respect for the gift he shared and the spirit in which it was.
There's more but you get the idea. I enjoyed the funny video and respect the man who made it.
He did open himself up to ridicule just for the laughs and entertainment of others, he didn't hurt anyone or anything and it was funny.
Welcome to EO... where even a video about nothing can be turned into a stupid discussion about nothing :thumbup:
Welcome to EO... where even a video about nothing can be turned into a stupid discussion about nothing :thumbup:
And, as I recall, a guy named Jerry Seinfeld did pretty well with a show about nothing.
See, all that stuff you mentioned might get appreciation, but I don't see the respect.
That is correct, you do not see the respect. Respect is in the eye of the beholder. If you don't see it, you don't see it, and if I do, I do. There's nothing more to it than that.
Hey Hawk, you better look outside, I think there's some kids on your lawn.
I'm asking what constitutes respect these days. You're making it more difficult than it has to be. "Just because" is not a very good answer.
When I use the word "respect" it means the same thing these days as it has in all other days. If it is a precise definition you want, I'll give you the one from Merriam-Webster that is most appropriate for this convesation: "high or special regard: esteem"
If you wish, you can go to my post above and where I said "Respect for" substitute "High regard for."
If you are using the word "respect" in another way, kindly explain.