Actually, he too, stated his interest in what your answer would be to the question that I posed - in the original thread where the question was asked:
Turtle's curiosity as to an answer to the question posed
Actually, that post had as it's
primary purpose, getting you
on the record - one way or another - as to whether you thought that those who invaded Iraq and participated in an illegal war of aggression were "protecting the Constitution" ...
(... or
supporting and
defending it if you prefer ...)
While I - and I'm sure many others - realize that your comment was not offered up in response to a question asking you to justify the Iraq war, nevertheless a consequence of you offering it up was that you were specifically asked whether you felt that those who invaded Iraq and participated in an illegal war of aggression were "protecting the Constitution" ...
Clearly, this is one of the downsides of making public statements and participating in a conversation:
people may inquire as to the broader ramifications or logical consequences which flow from the statements one makes ...
Now ... I do realize that some folks will find that to be very, very disturbing - because it's possible that such questions may lead to places that some might prefer to avoid addressing with complete candor ...
Oh ... your choice of wording likely wouldn't have saved you from being queried in regard to this matter - because the underlying principles and premise remain essentially the same - regardless of the specific wording that was used from your proffered choices.
Well, you could have put an end to any speculation as to where you stood on the specific question I posed to you some 15 months or so ago ...
Instead, you chose to avoid answering it ... despite the fact that others besides myself have raised the issue of a lack of a direct answer ...
It appears that even now - after 15 months of avoidance - you have still managed
to avoid answering the original question in a direct, unambiguous manner.
The reasons for that could be several, to include:
1. You disagree with my framing of the question (as an illegal war of aggression) and wish to avoid addressing that framing - like it was kryptonite - perhaps due to what is now largely known, in hindsight.
2. You actually do believe that invading Iraq was "protecting the Constitution" ... but are unwilling to state so publicly in an unambiguous manner ...
perhaps because you recognize that it may be an unsupportable position ...
Well, quite frankly, it sounds - given the emotional language used in your post above, and your stated intent - like you are actually
taking lessons from your 5 year-old grandson ...
Generally speaking, I'm of the opinion that there is much that adults could learn from children ...
but the lesson you appear to have embraced is not one I would personally recommend ...