All this talk about temp speed limiters is fruitless. The Canada law is specifc.
The only law published and passed so far is Ontario.
[/quote]Trucks operating in Ontario must have the speed electronically limited to 105 km/h
Trucks cannot have devices in truck to modify the speed limit set in ecm. save your 1000$[/quote]
If you have a scan tool in your truck they are going to need a reason to look for it, like if you set it at 105 after the cop pulls you over for doing 115. If you set the speed before you get to ON and then wrap the tool up and throw it under the bunk, Nobody will know the difference, if they check you out, you'll be compliant because you are set at 105.
[/quote]Any history in your ecm that shows you going more than 105 kmh = a ticket and fine of 250 to 20,000 cdn dollars[/quote]
I'm sorry but that's just WRONG! You have the legal right to exceed 105 in a whole lot of other places, for the Ontario scale guys to get into your ECM far enough to actually establish a time stamp on the max speed is just not going to happen. Also, 90% of ECM's leave the factory with a silly reading already in them (CAT's all say 127 mph). Unless your truck has been set up to log overspeeds and has had that value set at 105, your ECM isn't even going to record that stuff.
The "device" provision in the law is to fine the guys who have a device in the truck that they use to tamper or program the speed above 105 while they are in Ontario ie the little truckstop gizmo that plugs into your lighter etc. If you get caught going 115 or more they are going to pull you over and get the "tech guys" to scour your truck for a "device". In other words you gotta be doing something to attract attention to yourself, 115 km or 72 ish MPH is "an attention getter". (Kudos to Sherrif Buford T Justice!)
[/quote]If you get a warning before July 1st, a ticket after that date might be extra costly if you did not heed the warning[/quote]
Sure will, just like if you get a warning for anything else and then be stupid and do it again.
Highwaystar, no yelling. I'll just have to put on my list of people I want to meet when I'm south of the fence!!