Okay, now what??


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
A while back, I posted comments regarding a "noisy" clutch. Well, I've had the clutch replaced(all new, not rebuild), I've replaced the
clutch linkage. Still, the noise goes on. The "experts" told me it
was the throw-out bearing(s). Obviously, it wasn't. Any suggestions? Thanks for your comments.


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
Is the noise a rattling sound when you are applying power? If so, it is clutch plate chatter, and it is considered normal. I know it's annoying, but you have to live with it. I have yet to drive any big truck that doesn't have this to some extent, and it is usually the loudest right after the clutch is adjusted. It's actually a sign of a good clutch adjustment (if you buy that:eek: ) In a lot of cases it will quiet down as the clutch gets older, and you won't have to turn the radio up and sing so loud:7


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
Again, Weave, you nailed the primary "event" that triggers the noise:
Applying power, particularly when going up hill. Sorry to hear that
there is really no cure for this problem.


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
And, just taking a wild guess, you have an Eaton 6306 6 speed? It is especially noisey with that tranny for some reason. The one on my old FL70 always chattered, even when replaced.
The truck I have now has a S60 Detroit, a Rockwell 10 speed, and an Eaton Solo Clutch. Guess what? It chatters sometimes too under power. I'm so used to it I don't even notice it anymore.


Expert Expediter
my fl80 does the same thing. found that wrapping linkage with heater hose and adding weight (my case, hose clamped a trailer ball to it) acts like a dampening system. also make sure to check throwout bearing grease... mine gets louder as the grease slowly leaks away.


Expert Expediter
My clutch has the same noise. I have a FL70 with an eaton 9 speed and a MBE 900. Freightliner in Troy Illinois derived a fixed for this. The parts are pricy, over a hundred, but I understand it works. It's some sort of spring kit.

Joe Skinner
JLS Express LLC
Edwardsville, IL.


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
I also have been having trouble with a noise in my clutch/tranny. It is a high pitch whine that was intermittant in the 3rd - 6th gear at about 1800 rpm's. It is not starting at about 1400 rps's. I have lubed the linkage, lubed the throwout and am now ready to take it into the shop.

One thing I did do is remove the zert for the throw out bearing and put a short extension on and a new zert. Now it can be lubed without having to remove the breather plate.

Drive Safe.


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
You stated earlier Larry that greasing the throwout bearing stopped the noise, at least temporarily. It is more than likely badly worn now, and the grease just works its way out of the bearing quickly, and the noise shows up again when it runs dry. This can damage the transmission's input shaft if let go too long, so bet to get it checked out real soon.

Doggie Daddy

Veteran Expediter
finally got rid of my clutch noise this past week, it turned out that my clutch linkage bushings were worn out. took it to han's freightliner in cleveland,ohio (they do great work there !!!)and the noise is gone. now i can turn down the radio to a more normal level. DD