Ok you conspiracy theorists!


Retired Expediter
Why didn't Saddam spill the beans on the U.S. at his trial?
Saddam coulda tore down the CIA involvement during the Iranian Crisis and the Iraq, Iran war but took all he knew to the grave. Why?

He was such a ranter and raver but he said nothing. Saddam knew exactly the arms and chemical supplies the U.S sold him and or gave for services against Iran. Again he said nothing. Why?

Where's his desendents now? Why haven't the Iraqi people hacked them to death just for being related? That seems to be the justice over there.

I smell a deal....a no good deal.

Gotta know greg has an opinion on this.


Veteran Expediter
Of course I do.

First thing is you need to understand it don't matter what the CIA did or did not do during that time. That was then, this is now. The ties were all broken during the invasion of Kiwait and the following miltary action. The other thing that comes to mind is that Iran has been an enemy of ours with an action of war in 1979, so what ever the CIA did, it go the blessing of everyone here.

As for arms and BC weapons, well we were not the only ones selling it to them, and if I am not mistaken, the Soviets and the french had a hand in selling it to both sides during that time too.

His trial was to show the Iraqis that it is over and it is time to move on. He knew the stakes and he knew what was epected of him, to hang. The mistake we made was two fold, one was we partialy dismantled the entire goverment without a real using what we could to maintain control and the people who were in power - instead we removed the leaders of the party, the military and this left a huge hole that was filled by terrorist and former Ba'ath Party. The second thing is we didn't show strength from the beginning. To them, we failed to help them move forward by their standards, not ours and the hanging of Saddam was on thing that was a success to removing a road block in their mind.

This all plays into the mind set of the people and answers your questions "Where's his desendents now? Why haven't the Iraqi people hacked them to death just for being related? That seems to be the justice over there.".

simon says

Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
That is a good question. I can only conjecture that while Saddam blasted the US occupation on several occasions during the trial, he kept his mouth shut about his CIA-Rumsfield-US connections as he didn't want to ruin any chance of a return to power. His outbursts against the US were a call to arms to Iraqis, and he hoped they would come to his rescue. Any attempt to link himself as a recipient of US support back in the 80's would forever ruin any support from Iraqis under today's conditions... So he took it to his grave.

I Googled Saddam-CIA and came up with this: an article from the George Washington Univ., National Security Archive: released documents published on this site. This details some of the US actions during the Iran-Iraq War.

" Shaking Hands with Saddam"


Veteran Expediter

Saddam Hussain was more afraid of showing weakness than of dying.Throw in the fact that he was crazy and had been for several years.

See he could of simply told the UN inspectors that he didn't have any WMD's and let them look around for them but if he did that then Iran would of inlisted the Kurds and attacked him.He was doing a poker bluff and I think that Rumsfeld knew that.How couldn't he have known?We had the country under constant surveilance after the Kuwait War.

IMHO our country is so worried about Iran that they dont care who they have to kill, buy off or go to bed with.Of course Iran seems to really enjoy this.They fart and we jump.They have the last Super Power danging on a string; now thats power.


Veteran Expediter
That was not Saddam in the courtroom or at the end of that rope, but rather a dupe in a Saddam suit. If it was really Saddam don't you think his cat would be showing more emotion.