Oil drain plugs


Veteran Expediter
I am kind of really p*ssed off. I take pride in my vehicles, like no oil leaks and such.

Back in April I had an oil change. The day after the oil change I had a great big puddle of oil on my driveway (which I still can't get all out) so bought the van back to the oil change place. The manager said it was a stripped oil drain plug that caused the problem and dummy me I assumed that the oil tech replaced the plug with a real steel threaded plug but assumptions are dangerous as I found out today.

I have to replace the left wheel bearings and did the 'get the van in the air' thing and glanced at the drain plug when I was moving the jack stand in place, it is one of those d**n rubber plugs. I am so p*ss, I can't stand those rubber plugs and feel that it is a cheap dirty trick to use one on a customers vehicle. I do understand if there is an emergency but outside of that, no.

the reason I don't like them is a long time ago I was given a car to drive to the west coast with one of them rubber plugs in the pan. While I was driving it, the plug leaked. I check the oil level when I picked up the car and drove it 400 miles before the engine died on me. The oil leaked out from the plug. I ended up paying for new engine in that car because this rubber plug. Rubber + heat = fatigue.

So I just want to vent a little and tell everyone not to usethose rubber plugs. Oh I will be using either a Fram or Futora drain plugs when I fix this. I like the Fram type because I had that type before.

yea it is due for an oil change now, covered the 7500 miles since the last one.


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
I posted some time back on a new type of oil plug, bought it and it works great, it is lever action and spring loaded. Someone else gave me the idea and posted a picture on the board also. Cost about $20.00. But I had to get a new oil pan first as the oversize threads were stripped out. All you have to do is put contaianer below, push up on lever and slide it out of the detent and oil starts to drain, when finsihed, just move it back to it's original location. Probably have put about 50,000 miles on it and no problems.


Veteran Expediter
Yep, know which on you are talking about, I have one of those in my hand right now. The thing is I just worry about hitting something and ripping the plug out of the pan, you can say I am paraniod about thigs like that. This one does not fit any of my vehicles but is actually going on my soon to be purchasd APU engine.

the reason i like the Fram type is it has a hose and I just screw in the plug until I feel some resistance and than give it another twist and the oil comes out. no mess at all especially on windy days.


Veteran Expediter
Safety & Compliance
US Coast Guard
I share Greg's paranoia about the lever action drain plug. I had one on one of my diesel fords and removed it shortly after I drove thru a mess of gator tails on the interstate. I had this fear that I would rip that thing off and leave 11 qts of oil down the highway. I didn't want the EPA or the Jasper Engine folks in my future.

I carry one of those rubber plugs in my tool box for emergency use if threads are stripped and the biggest plug is already in the pan. I hope to never use it.


Moderator Emeritus
that is the fumitomo drain plug:http://www.fumotovalve.com/

i have one on my 240d but it takes too long to drain. mounted the way it is shown on their home page nothing hangs below the bottom of the oil pan. i usually unscrew it before it is done. i must learn patience.

Jack Berry