According to the News this Morning, The Governor of Ohio said that he would sign a Bill for the Speed Limit for Commercial vehicles to be set at 65 Mph if and when it gets to his desk. Kinda Makes a Person wonder why?
Among the changes endorsed by lawmakers is the elimination of the provision in Ohio law that set up a slower speed on interstates for vehicles with a gross weight of more than 8,000 pounds. Speed limits on other roadways will remain unchanged.
I guess this is a good thing,,,,run ohio top to bottom @ 60-62 now,,,(all right rarely do I hit 62 but it happens)Wondering how fast we will run now?
Do ya all really think the roads and traffic can handle trucks moving (or any traffic ) @ these speeds?
Im seeing a bit more twisted and cumbled metal out here in the furture,,,,,,,,,be carefull folks
Look at it this way, soon you can legally go 60-62. Just because the speed limit will be increased to 65 doesn't mean you have to drive that speed or faster.
HURRAY...Hell must have just frozen over. Now for Illinois.