Ohio Speed Limit


Expert Expediter
According to the News this Morning, The Governor of Ohio said that he would sign a Bill for the Speed Limit for Commercial vehicles to be set at 65 Mph if and when it gets to his desk. Kinda Makes a Person wonder why?:D


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
According to the News this Morning, The Governor of Ohio said that he would sign a Bill for the Speed Limit for Commercial vehicles to be set at 65 Mph if and when it gets to his desk. Kinda Makes a Person wonder why?:D

There must have been a change in the head of the Ohio State Patrol. He was allways the chief opponent of increasing truck speed.


Expert Expediter
July 01, 2009 ladies and gentlemen, Slowhio will no longer be slow. Trucks will all be allowed to go 65 mph on state highways. :D

Ohio speed limit for trucks raised to 65 mph

*CORRECTION* After further investigation, one article that I read was incorrect in stating the speed limit increase would apply to state highways. It will apply to INTERSTATE highways. My apologies for the mistake. :D

Among the changes endorsed by lawmakers is the elimination of the provision in Ohio law that set up a slower speed on interstates for vehicles with a gross weight of more than 8,000 pounds. Speed limits on other roadways will remain unchanged.
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Veteran Expediter
I guess this is a good thing,,,,run ohio top to bottom @ 60-62 now,,,(all right rarely do I hit 62 but it happens)Wondering how fast we will run now?

Do ya all really think the roads and traffic can handle trucks moving (or any traffic ) @ these speeds?

Im seeing a bit more twisted and cumbled metal out here in the furture:(,,,,,,,,,be carefull folks


Veteran Expediter
It don't matter much to me, the problem is setting the cruise at 62 and being rocked by a T/T from Canada who is going 75. What is up with some of these Canadians being so reckless?

On the way home yesterday I was sitting in the middle lane passing slow (dangerous) cars and I had one truck that actaully was flashing his lights at me wanting me to get out of his way. He rode my butt for two miles I mean very close (I had to deal with people getting on the freeway who don't know how to accelerate), and as I finally got over, he passed me like I was standing still - from Mississauga Ontario.


Retired Expediter
Greg..when I was Ontario plated I was feeling ignored by the state troopers....2 trucks together one Can and one US they'd pick off the US one nearly every time....I suppose they don't want the hassle of dealing with a Canuck...Not so much with NY or Mi because of the reciprocity they have...but beyond them I was invincable...;)


Expert Expediter
I guess this is a good thing,,,,run ohio top to bottom @ 60-62 now,,,(all right rarely do I hit 62 but it happens)Wondering how fast we will run now?

Do ya all really think the roads and traffic can handle trucks moving (or any traffic ) @ these speeds?

Im seeing a bit more twisted and cumbled metal out here in the furture:(,,,,,,,,,be carefull folks

The interstates were made for the higher speeds, and I think it will actually be safer because there won't be such a difference between truck and 4-wheeler speed. The speed for trucks on the toll road is 65 and traffic flows smoothly.

Look at it this way, soon you can legally go 60-62. Just because the speed limit will be increased to 65 doesn't mean you have to drive that speed or faster. Besides, speeding just means you are part of the problem with the public's opinion of truck drivers.


Moderator Emeritus
Look at it this way, soon you can legally go 60-62. Just because the speed limit will be increased to 65 doesn't mean you have to drive that speed or faster.

.....and that is the reason the super trucks can line up behind me while i pass the halt, infirm and unable to merge crowd. i like getting 16-18 mpg at that range.


Veteran Expediter

highway star

Veteran Expediter
There should be less twisted, crumpled metal with the speed being equalized. Hu-rayyy!!!

C'mon, Ill...