Some short insights from a newbe.
Sprinter came in. Last minute e-track installation. Thought I had it ready to go, after 12 stitches, (another story)…Made 620 mile trip to new company, Cleaned Sprinter at 2200 hrs in 14-degree temp, so new company decals can be installed. Froze early that night, Went to orientation…Admired new decals on clean Sprinter…only to be disappointed to find they installed a dirty, greasy satellite dome on clean Sprinter, that by the way was cleaned late night in 14 degree temp after driving 620 miles…
Paid for this and that and that again. Made another 620 mile deadhead trip home so 12 stitches can be removed, and rethink sleeping arrangements in Sprinter. Made the corrections needed to keep thawed.
Been 12 hours since Dispatch was informed I’m ready and waiting. Yep…be moving in the morning.
A statement I remembered a small gray hair man once made came to mind.
“Who am I? And what am I doing here?
Oh, and before you ask. Yes, I have a big block of cheese to go with the wine.
Second thoughts??? Big time! However, I am in it for the long haul…sort of speaking.
Made the decision to do this type of work/life style. I will get over it!
At least the company I signed on with has great folks there, and one not so great...ha!
Sprinter came in. Last minute e-track installation. Thought I had it ready to go, after 12 stitches, (another story)…Made 620 mile trip to new company, Cleaned Sprinter at 2200 hrs in 14-degree temp, so new company decals can be installed. Froze early that night, Went to orientation…Admired new decals on clean Sprinter…only to be disappointed to find they installed a dirty, greasy satellite dome on clean Sprinter, that by the way was cleaned late night in 14 degree temp after driving 620 miles…
Paid for this and that and that again. Made another 620 mile deadhead trip home so 12 stitches can be removed, and rethink sleeping arrangements in Sprinter. Made the corrections needed to keep thawed.
Been 12 hours since Dispatch was informed I’m ready and waiting. Yep…be moving in the morning.
A statement I remembered a small gray hair man once made came to mind.
“Who am I? And what am I doing here?
Oh, and before you ask. Yes, I have a big block of cheese to go with the wine.
Second thoughts??? Big time! However, I am in it for the long haul…sort of speaking.
Made the decision to do this type of work/life style. I will get over it!
At least the company I signed on with has great folks there, and one not so great...ha!