So ....... you get your internet service from Nigeria .....?
hehehe.....where'd you see that?....So ....... you get your internet service from Nigeria .....?
Nope.,.. Nice try.Here is a scary email....anyone want to click on the link?....
Customer Service <[email protected].
Today at 5:18 AM
Dear Broadband WiFi Customer,
We are notifying you that your computer has sent spam email's from your IP ""
Please remove all viruses and adware ASAP or we will have to suspend your home internet connection.
Thank You,
Customer Service Department
Whew what a day. 326 loaded miles, all in lower Michigan.
Here is a scary email....anyone want to click on the link?....
Customer Service <[email protected].
Hey maybe she wants to pick up a spare somewhere too....never hurts to ask! You'd be fine with that!!! ; )I ain't scared so I clicked on it. Now I've got another wife from China. That makes two. I gotta pick one up at the airport Sunday afternoon. What am I going to tell my real wife? Au Pair? Wait, we don't have any kids at home, just a dog. Ya that's it! Au Pair for the dog. Uh, oh, oh; two Au Pairs for a dog? Should that read a pair of Au Pairs for a dog? Excuse my French, but either way I don't think this will fly with my real wife. I need a load, like right now!
Good morning....I was lucky last month in and out in 20 minutes......Good AM from Charlotte. Have a pickup at secret un-named bearing plant then direct to Wooster. My guess is 2 hour wait to load
Handicap get Priority service ..Good morning....I was lucky last month in and out in 20 minutes......![]()
your personal habits are not really necessary....Handicap get Priority service ..
repositioning myself at the moment ...
Right where you'd the sink!your personal habits are not really necessary....
Hey maybe she wants to pick up a spare somewhere too....never hurts to ask! You'd be fine with that!!! ; )