So glad you've got your pain covered.Thanks Mailer, I'm getting there. I've seen my Internist since 1989. She knows and I know, if this tough ole broad EVER says "I'm in severe pain" (which is never-ha!) she needs to get me something PRONTO. Opiod Pain killers for 3 days last weekend gave me some relief, sleep and a chance for the Augmentin (penicillin) to kick start. But I've never had a sinus infection before and NEVER want one again...never had pain like the right side of my face was having labor contractions...Ya that bad! Well, you wouldn't know. ; ) Ever had kidney stone pain or an abcessed tooth? Try 4 abcessed teeth, two top, two bottom....but it was just an infection. Where did this come from?!! The tooth nerve endings go up into that sinus air pocket doc explained.
And I recall a sore to the touch apple of my cheek on my birthday, Oct. 2nd. Like I got punched. That was when the infection began. That's why I haven't been here. Couldn't function thru the waves of pain. I waited too long to go in to be seen. Stupid, stubborn me.
Lol...wait...the labor pain thing?
Some men do experience pain worse than the labor pain.
Most Embarrassing Situations Ever
Oops! Lol, just trying to get you to laugh so you can heal faster