I'm starting to miss Laredo..and the mexican food..maybe time to test my driving legs again....hmmmmmm
Kingsbury, TX ( 1-10 WB ) enroute to San Diego, CA...about 4-6miles east of the weigh station. Gonna make sure all is good and legal. Than Fuel and Put Load to Bed at the Petro in San Antonio, TX. Pre-Dispatched today out of San Diego back to Detroit Area.
Used the restroom at 10 of them
The new diet and 10 glasses of water a day and my coffee makes for a.... Nevermind
At the Loves in Gary E9 for the night....did 2 small loads today...BUT tomorrow pick up in Batavia Ill...going to???
Fargo ND....TADA...I am coming home JuJu...get that pot roast out!!!
It's thawing already...*l*..
now about that Indiana chocolate????
I tried..I really did..the 2 stops I made didn't have an outlet.
I tried..I really did..the 2 stops I made didn't have an outlet.