Observations of a Walmart Manager...


Retired Expediter
" A trucker might be courteous out on the road but I'd say a good 50% of the trucks that park here are NOT."

"We are NOT a room service"

"Drivers leave carts in the middle so other drivers have to get out to maneuver"

"Drivers think leaving the garbage in a cart is ok"

"I've lost 5 pieces of curbing since opening"

We managers extend a certain amount of leeway towards trucks as being a valued customer...but it is not an infinite line.

from a Walmart Manager Perrysburg Ohio


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
" A trucker might be courteous out on the road but I'd say a good 50% of the trucks that park here are NOT."

"We are NOT a room service"

"Drivers leave carts in the middle so other drivers have to get out to maneuver"

"Drivers think leaving the garbage in a cart is ok"

"I've lost 5 pieces of curbing since opening"

We managers extend a certain amount of leeway towards trucks as being a valued customer...but it is not an infinite line.

from a Walmart Manager Perrysburg Ohio

Yep, we as an industry cause a lot of our own problems. I think that 50% may be a bit high. Leaving carts in the way is not only truckers. People today are very lazy and will NOT walk a cart 20 feet to the rack provided. That is a problem across the board.


Retired Expediter
yeah..high..but he was very nice and understanding of a drivers needs....good discussion tho...I agree being a customer doesn't mean we have a blank check to do as we please...


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
yeah..high..but he was very nice and understanding of a drivers needs....good discussion tho...I agree being a customer doesn't mean we have a blank check to do as we please...

We should all keep our areas clean, where ever we park. If we use a cart, return it, CLEAN. These stores are not to be used as free parking lots either. They are a business and should be treated as such.


Retired Expediter
We should all keep our areas clean, where ever we park. If we use a cart, return it, CLEAN. These stores are not to be used as free parking lots either. They are a business and should be treated as such.

Oh Joe..you know the mentality...just like the reward card issue...we shop there, they OWE us something...gee whiz...


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
I'd bet that 999 of every 1000 problem trucks are NOT expediters. Trucking as a whole is a bottom of the barrel employer. We and many others are exceptions but a large percentage aren't. Problem parkers can come from any of the group but the majority are probably the ones driving because anyone with a pulse can get hired.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Oh Joe..you know the mentality...just like the reward card issue...we shop there, they OWE us something...gee whiz...

Yes I do. So many think that they are owed this and that. WalMarts are NOT a truck stop. They are a store. IF they allow you to park for extended you should not abuse it. As to the reward cards, that is a marketing thing, they are out for your business. That is one of the ways they go after it.


Veteran Expediter
Leo, I think you are right but then again 999 out of 1000 walmart employees don't know the difference.


Retired Expediter
I don't know..the ones that gather the carts in the middle of the night seem aware...they are darned quiet..don't know if that is scared of being shot at, or courtesy.


Seasoned Expediter
Watch out for the chrome cattle while driving thru the wally world parking lot. They are left to roam freely by the truckers that shop there.


Expert Expediter
"Chrome cattle", LOL!

Hubby and I are very appreciative of WalMarts that allow us to park there. It wouldn't hurt us as an industry to seek out the managers and thank them for it now and then.


Veteran Expediter
I wonder how many curbs get knocked out by the delivery trucks as opposed to the overnighters? Or trucks that are just using the parking lot for a u-turn and aren't even staying?

I wonder how you even encounter 50% of the drivers to know that they are not courteous when most of the drivers are there asleep?

As for room service, I don't know of any driver who is asking for room service.

His cart and trash problem won't go away if trucks are outlawed.

Sounds like a manager with an attitude.

OVM, what started the conversation?



Expert Expediter
" A trucker might be courteous out on the road......."

I wonder what "roads" he's speaking of.

IMO, Truckers are not known for their "courteousy" at all while on the road.

I know this could lead to a whole other discussion, and is not directed at anyone here (of course, all on this board are courteous drivers ;) ), but some of the worse and unsafe drivers I have come across were "truckers".


Veteran Expediter
I think he is talking about the student driver who is so petrified that he may run over a bus full of nuns.


Retired Expediter
I wonder how many curbs get knocked out by the delivery trucks as opposed to the overnighters? Or trucks that are just using the parking lot for a u-turn and aren't even staying?

I wonder how you even encounter 50% of the drivers to know that they are not courteous when most of the drivers are there asleep?

As for room service, I don't know of any driver who is asking for room service.

His cart and trash problem won't go away if trucks are outlawed.

Sounds like a manager with an attitude.

OVM, what started the conversation?


I was having morning coffee with the side door open and the Gen out when he came into work...and asked what we little guys do and them with the huge bedrooms...*LOL*

Well I've seen enough of these parking lot slobs...leave a cart with a bag or 2 of garbage to know it happens...that and P bottle or 2....

I watched a flatbed run over the curbing and take out the shrubbery...and a few dry vans as well....Yes, trucks do damage...


Not a Member
I have seen it as well, drivers who simply cannot drive, period, and take everything out in their way.I watched as a semi driver simply ran over a shopping cart with his trailer tandems, and proceeded to drive out of the parking lot, down the street.Hearing the conversation from the shopping cart collector and manager afterwards made me embarrased to even admit I was a truck driver.I shopped and left.Also witnessed a driver Leave 4 full gallon jugs of urine next to a light pole in the Emporia, Va, Wal-Mart as well.I did call his company that time.And we wonder why we are prohiited from parking there?It isnt too hard to figure out, that's for sure.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
I don't know that the companies do anything but I call them anyway.