Obama's Staff Appointments: Is This CHANGE??

Black Sheep

Expert Expediter
Interesting article - we might have another Clinton presidency by proxy, in spite of Hillary & Bill losing the primary. Considering Obama is nothing more than an empty suit, it would be easy to envision Slick Willie behind the proverbial curtain pulling his strings.

Barack Obama morphs into Bill Clinton. How sad

By Yael T. Abouhalkah, Kansas City Star Editorial Page columnist

Barack Obama was supposed to bring change to the White House. Instead, he's bringing back Bill Clinton's leftovers.

With his first appointments and rumored selections for top spots in his administration, Obama is dipping into the same talent pool that Clinton used during his two terms in the 1990s. So much for "yes, we can" change the culture at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.

Here are the picks and potential picks so far (even leaving out the biggest potential tie to Bill Clinton -- wife Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State):

-- Rahm Emanuel, former Clinton aide, as White House chief of staff.

-- Eric Holder, deputy attorney general under Clinton, as attorney general.

-- Jacob Lew, Clinton's budget director, as director of the National Economic Council.

-- Peter Orszag, former economic adviser to Clinton, as White House budget director.

-- Rand Beers, assistant secretary of state for international narcotics and law enforcement under Clinton, as Homeland Security secretary or national security official.

-- John Hamre, second-ranking civilian in the Defense Department under Clinton, as Defense Secretary.

-- Raymond Kelly, senior Treasury Department official under Clinton, as Homeland Security secretary.

-- Dan Reicher, environmental advocate in the Clinton administration, as energy secretary.

Barack Obama morphs into Bill Clinton. How sad | Midwest Voices


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Ok OVM, the economy did better under Clinton because he gutted the Defense Department and the Intelligence Agencies. The main job of the government IS the defense of the nation. Not putting cigars in places that they were not meant to go. The return on that gutting was 9/11. Carter got us into this mess. Reagan/Bush did little to get us out and Clinton sealed our fate with his stupidity. Anyone can balance a buget if you don't do what you are required to do. Just bury your head in the sand and hope nothing happens. What a great bunch this jerk is putting in. Change my hind end. What a joke, but I already knew that. If that Sec of Defense is put in get ready for more and bigger 9/11 style attacks.



Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
It is the old "Guns or Butter". Giving people "Butter" makes them feel good but gets them killed. Have the "Guns" and they will live to find work. "Guns" cost a lot. When my job in intell was ended by Slick Willy I was working counter-terrorism. VERY expensive work. He cancelled MOST of those programs. That left us blind for the most part. At the same time he was entertaining terrorists in the White House. If it was up to me we would be investigating Clinton for High Treason. He cost us MANY lives. He just "Fiddled while Rome was burning". We elected a fool that time and just did again. His picks are proving it. More death on the way. Layoutshooter


Seasoned Expediter
The economy did ok when Clinton was in there mainly because the republicans had their revolution in Congress in 1994. Clinton and his Dem party after that were not able to damage the economy with the massive goverment programs they wanted to implement. Clinton could only sign the bills that republicans put forth after 1994. I knew the change theme was bogus. It's the Clinton adm. revisited.:eek:


Seasoned Expediter
It goes against the "change" .But the economy did pretty well under Clinton....Those guys have experience....and party faithful....

All the businesses that were started or were expanded during the Reagan revolution gave us the Clinton economy. The DOW was below 800 in 1980 and the 25 years of prosperity that followed, were given to us by a pro business President. It is not likely that an anti-business administration will be able to encourage people to start or expand the businesses needed to get us out of the hole that we are in, or keep it from getting bigger. Barry had better show that he is pro business real soon, or it downhill from here. It took Newt, to turn things around for Bill and get the economy back on right track.


Seasoned Expediter
All the businesses that were started or were expanded during the Reagan revolution gave us the Clinton economy. The DOW was below 800 in 1980 and the 25 years of prosperity that followed, were given to us by a pro business President. It is not likely that an anti-business administration will be able to encourage people to start or expand the businesses needed to get us out of the hole that we are in, or keep it from getting bigger. Barry had better show that he is pro business real soon, or it downhill from here. It took Newt, to turn things around for Bill and get the economy back on right track.

Wonder what the dow would be doing right now if McCain was elected? Probably would be doing a lot better.


Expert Expediter
Where is all the change going to come from if everyone
Obama chooses is mostly from the Clinton adminstration?


Veteran Expediter
His choice of this Clinton woman for secretary of state is excellent. It will nice to have a fresh face in Washington. It will be so... so refreshing. I don't know much about this Mrs. Clinton. But I recall her making a speech and accepting a gift from a young girl in some far off war torn country. All while being attacked by heavily armed rebels. This is the kind of person we need to deal with other countries. Plus her husband is interested in foreign affairs as well as domestic ones.

Let's see here, the line of succession is ah.... secretary of state, number 4.


Seasoned Expediter
My goodness people... lets give the guy a chance before burning him at the cross. He has not even taken office yet. Wait to see how these people perform, and perform under new leadership. Its amazing how people will "change" directions, even for the better when new leadership is in.


Veteran Expediter
While on the surface it doesn't look like change just a return of past office holders, you have to remember that the orders come from the top. Supposedly they'll carry out those orders his way and not the way done in the past. Yup looks like a Clinton is going to be in office again but it is a different Clinton. Each administration puts its stamp on the white house and policies so it may prove that change has indeed come to america. We'll have to wait and see.