Logic doesn't work so why not try sarcasm. Is it even that sarcastic? You suggest we should feed the kids because they're here even though they're illegal and have no business being here. Oh, but they're innocent and only children and a thousand blah blah blah's. Liberal logic demands that we feed, house, clothe, medicate and support everyone, including the criminals, and they are criminals having illegally entered this country.
So why are we to take care of them? Oh, maybe it's moral obligation. That could be it. Liberals feel it's our moral obligation to take care of them. No, wait. It can't be morally right. If it had anything at all to do with being a moral person then the liberal would have to be pro life rather than pro choice and we know they aren't so it can't be morals. Well, who knows why, probably not even the liberals themselves.
In any event, if we're obligated to do everything for these just because they are here then why not the rest of them everywhere else?