Obama USDA encourages illegals


Veteran Expediter
Do ya ever stop and think to yourself: Wheres the line, where do I sign up? I want me some.

Anyone remeber when ya put up food to get your thru the winter? If ya wanted apples/tomatoes in December ya better have picked em before winter set in. Granted it wasnt nessary in my lifetime but I dont recall a whole lot of stuff being bought in that could have been harvested before hand.

Im sure it wouldnt take much to make it look like I was eligible. (Wait make that entitled right?)
Im all for helping but whatever happened to familys helping first then asking for help if more is needed.


Veteran Expediter
Our last real American president was Theodor Rossevelt # 26 1901 - 1909. Although we did have a couple pro americans like Harry Truman, John F Kennedy, and Ronald Reagan. Ever since then the pro wallstreet multinational, megawealthy supporters.. In otherwords, the bottom of the septic tank.

Bob Wolf


Veteran Expediter
Do ya ever stop and think to yourself: Wheres the line, where do I sign up? I want me some.

Not me. I have only ever collected unemployment for short [less than 8 wks] periods during layoffs, and that was bad enough. The money is paltry, the requirements are stiff & unyielding, the people who administer the programs treat the applicants like unworthy slime, and the clerks in the grocery stores aren't much better - I've seen their behavior when handed food stamps.
It's not the life on easy street people who've never experienced it seem to think, and I don't know a single person who wouldn't prefer to earn their own keep, and hold their head up. Especially the ones who have kids.

Anyone remeber when ya put up food to get your thru the winter? If ya wanted apples/tomatoes in December ya better have picked em before winter set in. Granted it wasnt nessary in my lifetime but I dont recall a whole lot of stuff being bought in that could have been harvested before hand.

Im sure it wouldnt take much to make it look like I was eligible. (Wait make that entitled right?)
Im all for helping but whatever happened to familys helping first then asking for help if more is needed.

Poor people tend to have poor families, too. If not, they can 'wear out the welcome' pretty quickly - if they can swallow their pride and ask for help, of course.
One woman I just read about is on dialysis 4 days a week, and her only family is the elderly mother afflicted with dementia that she's trying to care for as well.
Where does one sign up for that?


Veteran Expediter
BTW: I don't read the article as the US '"promoting illegal aliens" in foreign countries, but as a way to feed the kids who are already here.
Or should we just let them go hungry?


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Well hell, there are hungry kids all over the world. Should we just let them go hungry too? It's only money. Let's just feed every kid in the world while we're at it.


Staff member
Retired Expediter
Alright. How about this? YES

If anyone wants to feed 'em, fine, go right ahead. But don't feed 'em with my money. Use your own.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Logic doesn't work so why not try sarcasm. Is it even that sarcastic? You suggest we should feed the kids because they're here even though they're illegal and have no business being here. Oh, but they're innocent and only children and a thousand blah blah blah's. Liberal logic demands that we feed, house, clothe, medicate and support everyone, including the criminals, and they are criminals having illegally entered this country.

So why are we to take care of them? Oh, maybe it's moral obligation. That could be it. Liberals feel it's our moral obligation to take care of them. No, wait. It can't be morally right. If it had anything at all to do with being a moral person then the liberal would have to be pro life rather than pro choice and we know they aren't so it can't be morals. Well, who knows why, probably not even the liberals themselves.

In any event, if we're obligated to do everything for these just because they are here then why not the rest of them everywhere else?
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Staff member
Retired Expediter
Logic doesn't work so why not try sarcasm. Is it even that sarcastic? You suggest we should feed the kids because they're here even though they're illegal and have no business being here. Oh, but they're innocent and only children and a thousand blah blah blah's. Liberal logic demands that we feed, house, clothe, medicate and support everyone, including the criminals, and they are criminals having illegally entered this country.
The same liberal logic demands that Child Protective Services take the children away from the parents, as well. These are parents who knowingly and willingly placed their children into an illegal situation, in addition to not being able to feed, clothe, house and medicate them. These are unfit parents who have no business caring for children. That's the liberal logic, taken to its logical conclusion.


Active Expediter
How about if we stop encouraging illegals to have children in our country. If they are not citizens just because they are born here it would stop a lot of it. There are hospitals all over the US that are set up for illegal immigrants to come to have their babies. Then afterwards we have to feel sorry for them because we are trying to separate them if we send the parent home. I understand they want a better life. Just do it legally.

I am sure this has been discussed before. It just seems like an obvious thing to help with this problem.


Senior Moderator
Staff member
Fleet Owner
How about if we stop encouraging illegals to have children in our country. If they are not citizens just because they are born here it would stop a lot of it. There are hospitals all over the US that are set up for illegal immigrants to come to have their babies. Then afterwards we have to feel sorry for them because we are trying to separate them if we send the parent home. I understand they want a better life. Just do it legally.

I am sure this has been discussed before. It just seems like an obvious thing to help with this problem.

I think some would prefer to encourage it. After All, they are future voters for the democratic party. The more the merrier. :rolleyes: