Obama & The Military

Black Sheep

Expert Expediter
Please take time to watch this 51 second clip from one of Barak Hussein Obama's speeches regarding his plans for our military and our position in the world under his presidency:

* Obama plans to disarm America*by*Macsmind

I can't believe this hasn't gotten more play on TV and radio. If the GOP doesn't make a campaign commercial with this clip, they don't deserve to win.


Staff member
Retired Expediter
He's Utopian, which is another way of saying delusionally liberal. He actually believes he can rid the world of nuclear weapons. And if he dramatically cuts military research and spending, he'll have a lot more money for Utopian social programs. But if you listen to what he says about Pakistan and Afghanistan and terrorists, getting all tough militarily, even providing "hundreds of millions of dollars" in military and financial aid to countries like Pakistan to combat terrorism, he can't have it both ways. He can't cut military spending down to pocket change and still have an effective military. But, he thinks he can, 'cause he's Utopian.

Be afraid, be very afraid.


Veteran Expediter
Well if that is what he is about then he is no better than Hillary or Mcain.
Hillary she will follow the same path as her husband and cut the military as well. Neither of them Bill nor Hillary Gave a care about the Military and turned their backs at both aunaug Parades. Hillary and Bill stand for the same thing. How can one even put them in charge of our military?? Only a fool or the Blind would do such a thing. She says she wont hesetate to go to war but never served Ya ok. Double standard I say when U dont got to be the one to deploy.
Mcaine He is no better all he wants is the endless war machine well so be it. If we get into it with Iran Then Recall me Ill gladly go. Not many on here can say the same. I have never wavered from this.
ILL GO Not a problem better one thats seasoned than those that are the weekend warriers or the ones outa boot. You can see how many of the young ones have been lost in this terrible mess we are in and its because they truely have their hands tied by the very Govt Regulations and laws that they serve. Now where have U herd that before Oh Yes the Viet Nam Vets as well. Well its True.
Obama Hillary Mcaine I say Throw the whole mess out.
But there are those Here that Just LOVE there Hillary or there Mcaine
or the New Commer OBAMMA.
Who ever gets the Nom for President I just hope that they make the right decisions for this country and give our Childern and grandkids a real future to look forward to and not regret.
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
The more I see of this guy, the more I'm convinced he's just an eloquent dunce. So long as he's got a prepared script and/or a teleprompter he looks and sounds great - but even Brad Pitt can do that. However, the media love him and they just don't allow a true picture to be shown of him and what he represents. Hopefully as the campaign evolves, more people will realize this guy is dangerous. Usually, people rally to vote FOR a candidate and his ideas - but in this instance, a case can be made to vote AGAINST this clown and everything he stands for. For many, this means holding their nose and trying not to vomit while pulling the lever for McCain.


Veteran Expediter
If one Calls for Mcaine You will do no better. So I make this challenge to you, ok We all Vote Mcaine and when we go to war with Iran and I already said Ill go gladely U Joine me Pilgram. So I say To you a vote for Mcaine is a vote to go to War and carry on for another 4 years. Now No excuess for the rest on here is that what you want for your Children that are over there allready??? I dont think so.
Hillary she is a tyrant she and her hubby snubbed the military and they Down sized it. Do you all realize this country cant fight a war on two Fronts. Do you all realy realize that. Need I not remind you the Armor that wasnt put into the military Vehicles was all due to The Clintons. (Cut backs down Size and there YES Men.) Somthing for you to ponder Admiral Borda Never Killed him self over a Ribbon as was said. He had a Big Diff with Bill Clinton and went against the down sizing of the Military. Well Business as Usual just like when Bill was governor of Arkansaw People got moved aside. This being the case with ADM Borda. So no Hillary the Tyrant is out of the Question as well.
Obama As I stated before if he realy is about what I listened to in that Video well then I need not say anything U know what Im going to say.
Who ever this country Nomanates for there President U better be sure Ur ready as Mcaine Ull be at war for sure, Hillary already pledge the same as Mcaine against Iran. Obama well that Video said it all for me. Im glad that I was raised in the country but as it is today Its all to sad that America will never get back to the basics like a few moons ago where a small farm could raise a family. That was gone after Ronnie and the Demo and Repubs alike in the 80s Need I say more Cooperate America.
We all know whats Next dont we Cooperate Trucking !!!! Like the Small time Farmer of which was once, So will it be with the OOPS and the Trucking Industry. Live the Independent Dream while you can as its soon to be all gone at the the Price of nothing more than a barrel of Black Gold , Texas Tea, Oil of which today 5/21/08 hit 130 dollars a barrel.
"They are all a bunch of Crooks throw the whole mess out and start over. (Vote for NONE OF THE ABOVE)
Above Quoted from Jessy Ventura :)


Veteran Expediter
I'm starting to think it's about time for us to raise a miltia. I think the stuff is going to hit the fan either way it goes in November.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Maybe we should start a write-in campaign for Nonof Theabove and his running mate, Pansy Yokum (keep the women happy) on the Bullmoose Party ticket. We could picture a character with a grocery bag over his head like the "Unknown Comic" from the Gong Show (anybody old enough to remember that?). Only problem might be that Nonof would get enough votes to send the election into the House, which is controlled by Democrats.

Black Sheep

Expert Expediter
Obama's church made the news again this week. I guess by now everyone has seen and/or heard the fruitcake Catholic priest they had as a guest speaker with his anti-Hillary and anti-white hysterical rant. Every time this place shows up on the tube we get to see the congregation standing and cheering the black racist vitriol of some radical "man of the cloth". Keep in mind this is the congregation that Obama has been closely associated with for the past twenty years - he is unrepentant about being a member of this church. This relates directly to his judgement and his true underlying character that's hidden beneath the scripted and polished illusion we see making these "marvelous" speeches that are written for him. What type of people would a President Obama appoint to cabinet positions? With whom would he surround himself to serve as confidants and advisors? I think his church and spritual advisors of the past twenty years give us a good indication of the types of individuals we could expect to see in that unfortunate circumstance.

Vinnie T

Seasoned Expediter
We are screwed no matter which idoit we get. Both will spend money we don't have..currency will continuy to devalue..inflation will go up and up and up. The two party system is a sham! We need more parties! Anyone who is a Democrap or Repubicon is a sheep! Harsh words I know but deserved! People watch too much propaganda..Fox and Cnn. They keep us busy with these issues..we have two choices...both are BAD! We need 3, 4 ,5 parties in the mix and more choices. The Ross Perot, Ron Paul, Ralph Nadar types are needed at leat one term to stop the hemoraging and bring more balance into our economy and our government. Checks and balances? The Senate, Congress, and Supreme Court is all in cahoots! The fourth balance is the American people..or should I say Sheeple! Get a clue people! I have to say overall truckers though we may be rough around the edges, most understand what's at stake and are open to the reality of our current situation then most other occupations. Afterall our industry is a true relection of policy and the economy.