Obama doesn't compare favorably to Reagan, Kennedy or any other president of the modern era. He came into office without a trace of the necessary experience or skills to lead a nation. After six years in office, Obama still lacks the experience and skills to be an effective leader. All he had to offer was a radical, socialistic approach to governance so detached from reality that his ascension to Chief Executive will be seen by many historians as temporary madness.
There will be great efforts extended to salvage some tiny shred of Obama's legacy. No amount of revisionist whitewashing will repair the moral, social and economic harm wrought by the narcissistic bumbler, Barack Hussein Obama. Thankfully, his tenure in office will end soon and the long struggle to reassemble our nation can begin.
What kind of experience or skills can really prepare one for the job? I can't agree that running a business helps, [in fact, I think it would be counter productive] because it's not a business, and it isn't supposed to be profitable. It shouldn't be hemorrhaging money either, but any halfway competent mind can add & subtract enough to balance a checkbook, even I can do that.
What the POTUS does is choose priorities, and try to persuade Congress and the rest of the country to go along. He gets the best available advice, [if he can discern who knows what they're talking about], so what's needed is the judgement to balance the different desires of different agendas.
What "radical, socialistic approach" are you talking about? You do remember, that 'Obamacare' originated as a Republican plan to control medical costs? And how 'socialist' is a great big gift for the insurance industry?
Also, what 'moral' harm are you referring to? Because he may not be the POTUS of our dreams, but I've always considered him to be moral. He's a good husband, father, and even when you don't like what he does, he seems to be trying for the right thing, the balance that is crucial to governing wisely.
To me, this little anecdote describes him well: when he and his daughters read the book "The Life of Pi", he sent a brief note to the author, saying how much they enjoyed the story. If the author, Yann Martell, hadn't mentioned it, it wouldn't be known, because Obama was acting as a father, not as POTUS. It takes a good man to appreciate a good story for adolescents [I highly recommend it also]and to express that appreciation to the writer. Have you done that, in your role as parent? I have, and I admire others who take the role of parenting seriously.
To me, someone who fulfils the role of good parent has what it takes to fulfill the role of POTUS, too. They have the right instincts. For the rest [foreign affairs], good advisers are a given, and cooperation/negotiation from Congress goes a long way. It's a shame Obama got absolutely zero cooperation from the Congress that announced their intention to thwart his every move the moment he was elected.
He isn't perfect, and who is?] but he isn't as bad as the people who can't admit he ever does anything right [and I mean that literally] insist, either. No one could be that bad. Nah. Impossible.