Obama opposes raising the debt limit


Veteran Expediter
The catch: he opposed it in 2006, when someone from the other side of the aisle was president...

From www.votesmart.org/speech_detail.php?sc_id=64094

Title: Increasing the
Statutory Limit on the
Public Debt
Date: 03/16 /2006
Location: Washington, DC
(Senate - March 16, 2006)
Mr. OBAMA. Mr. President, I
rise today to talk about
America's debt problem.
The fact that we are here
today to debate raising
America's debt limit is a sign
of leadership failure. It is a
sign that the U.S. Government
can't pay its own bills. It is a
sign that we now depend on
ongoing financial assistance
from foreign countries to
finance our Government's
reckless fiscal policies.
Over the past 5 years, our
federal debt has increased by
$3 .5 trillion to $8 .6 trillion.
That is ``trillion '' with a ``T.''
That is money that we have
borrowed from the Social
Security trust fund, borrowed
from China and Japan,
borrowed from American
taxpayers. And over the next
5 years, between now and
2011, the President's budget
will increase the debt by
almost another $3 .5 trillion.
Numbers that large are
sometimes hard to
understand. Some people
may wonder why they matter.
Here is why: This year, the
Federal Government will
spend $220 billion on
interest. That is more money
to pay interest on our national
debt than we'll spend on
Medicaid and the State
Children's Health Insurance
Program. That is more money
to pay interest on our debt
this year than we will spend
on education, homeland
security, transportation, and
veterans benefits combined. It
is more money in one year
than we are likely to spend to
rebuild the devastated gulf
coast in a way that honors the
best of America.
And the cost of our debt is
one of the fastest growing
expenses in the Federal
budget. This rising debt is a
hidden domestic enemy,
robbing our cities and States
of critical investments in
infrastructure like bridges,
ports, and levees; robbing our
families and our children of
critical investments in
education and health care
reform; robbing our seniors
of the retirement and health
security they have counted
Every dollar we pay in interest
is a dollar that is not going to
investment in America's
priorities. Instead, interest
payments are a significant tax
on all Americans--a debt tax
that Washington doesn't want
to talk about. If Washington
were serious about honest tax
relief in this country, we
would see an effort to reduce
our national debt by returning
to responsible fiscal policies.
But we are not doing that.
Despite repeated efforts by
Senators CONRAD and
FEINGOLD, the Senate
continues to reject a return to
the commonsense Pay-go
rules that used to apply.
Previously, Pay-go rules
applied both to increases in
mandatory spending and to
tax cuts. The Senate had to
abide by the commonsense
budgeting principle of
balancing expenses and
revenues. Unfortunately, the
principle was abandoned, and
now the demands of budget
discipline apply only to
As a result, tax breaks have
not been paid for by
reductions in Federal
spending, and thus the only
way to pay for them has been
to increase our deficit to
historically high levels and
borrow more and more
money. Now we have to pay
for those tax breaks plus the
cost of borrowing for them.
Instead of reducing the
deficit, as some people
claimed, the fiscal policies of
this administration and its
allies in Congress will add
more than $600 million in
debt for each of the next 5
years. That is why I will once
again cosponsor the Pay-go
amendment and continue to
hope that my colleagues will
return to a smart rule that
has worked in the past and
can work again.
Our debt also matters
internationally. My friend, the
ranking member of the
Senate Budget Committee,
likes to remind us that it took
42 Presidents 224 years to
run up only $1 trillion of
foreign-held debt. This
administration did more than
that in just 5 years. Now,
there is nothing wrong with
borrowing from foreign
countries. But we must
remember that the more we
depend on foreign nations to
lend us money, the more our
economic security is tied to
the whims of foreign leaders
whose interests might not be
aligned with ours.
Increasing America's debt
weakens us domestically and
internationally. Leadership
means that ``the buck stops
here.'' Instead, Washington is
shifting the burden of bad
choices today onto the backs
of our children and
grandchildren. America has a
debt problem and a failure of
leadership. Americans deserve
I therefore intend to oppose
the effort to increase
America's debt limit.
http://thomas .loc.gov


Seasoned Expediter
then HE and every other loud mouth democrat like Harry Reid went on to vote no on raising the debt limit.In april of this year Obama sat down for a interview with George stephanopoulos where he admited his NO VOTE WAS POLITICAL,and not what was right for the country.The very thing that he is now slamming republican for doing now.Just as harry reid is doing.
Try as they might the liberal media of the left can not hide these facts.


Expert Expediter
Well, Peggy Noonan said it best right here:

Peggy Noonan | Barack Obama | Loser | Mediaite

Whether you're a Pub or a Dem, you just can't argue with her on the points she made in the Op-Ed she had published in the WSJ.

Plus, if the WSJ, an entity that followed Obawa around with a roll of toilet paper to wipe his.............during his run for Presidency OK's this piece for Publication, then maybe the other...............wiping MSM personalities will call him out for what he clearly is also. A Loser........................


Veteran Expediter
He also opposed wars 4 yrs ago, as well as the Patriot games... err... Act. Whatever makes your own presidency easier, I guess.


Staff member
Retired Expediter
A lot of his thoughts changed dramatically (not to mention his shorts) right after he got his first PDB.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Well, Barack Hussein Obama and the Congressional leadership have reached a deal, so now they're trying to round up the votes to pass it. The following quotes came after the proverbial handshake (emphasis mine).

"In a conference call with his rank and file, Boehner said the agreement "isn't the greatest deal in the world, but it shows how much we've changed the terms of the debate in this town."
Obama underscored that point. He said that, if enacted, the agreement would mean "the lowest level of domestic spending since Dwight Eisenhower was president" more than a half century ago."

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/obama-congress-reach-debt-deal-003853348.html

They're talking about cutting $2Trillion over ten years - this amounts comparatively to the change rattling in your cup holder.This boy president must live in a fantasy world where he thinks the American public will accept anything he says as factual. The sad thing is the MSM will probably let this slide without the slightest comment. However, if Bush or any other Republican had made this idiotic comment their ridicule would have been loud and long.


Veteran Expediter
Oh wow! 2 trillion over 10 years. Hmm... if Obama is reelected, that's umm... 5 years after he's gone. Then the next president will have agendas that won't include Obama's boast. So what then? Empty words. If they were serious, which they aren't, they'd make a bill cutting 1 trillion over 5 years! But that screws up Obama's plan. Let the next fools deal with it.

Truth in politics - Obama: We have reached an agreement that cuts 2 trillion over 10 years... starting in 5 years.


Veteran Expediter
The TV said $1 trillion over ten years. We need $1 trillion in cuts THIS YEAR and another trillion next year...minimum.


Veteran Expediter
They're talking about cutting $2Trillion over ten years - this amounts comparatively to the change rattling in your cup holder.

Yep it means little which is something that the people need to get a grip on. I think we should take everything and just cut 10% across the board - no exceptions except military pay.

This boy president must live in a fantasy world where he thinks the American public will accept anything he says as factual.

BUT at least he is saying something. Instead of having a closed door meetings about this "crisis", he is out in the open and talking about it. I think the focus should be on congress and we as people should not buy into the idea this is solved or they did this to stop some tragic event - Hitler seems to be still right, tell a great big lie and everyone will believe it.

The sad thing is the MSM will probably let this slide without the slightest comment. However, if Bush or any other Republican had made this idiotic comment their ridicule would have been loud and long.

I think it is not just the MSM crowd but everyone will let it slide but then the real issue is who really gives a crap what Obama thinks or says, he isn't the problem nor is he the roadblock. On the other hand, Bush has made a few idiotic comments and moves in the past too, remember the bailout speeches? He isn't mentioned anywhere as the source of the bailout which I think is rather amazing seeing he was the start of all these issues.

I have to ask something else of my conservative co-members - how come Bush's spending on things like DHS and a massive government expansion have not really been an issue with you but Obama's programs have been?

Do you actually justify his actions by the idea we were attacked on 9/11?

I would think all debt accumulated would be important to one who is concern, not just the sitting president.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
I think it is not just the MSM crowd but everyone will let it slide but then the real issue is who really gives a crap what Obama thinks or says, he isn't the problem nor is he the roadblock.
I would agree with that statement if we weren't in the beginning stages of his re-election campaign.
On the other hand, Bush has made a few idiotic comments and moves in the past too, remember the bailout speeches? He isn't mentioned anywhere as the source of the bailout which I think is rather amazing seeing he was the start of all these issues.
That's true to a certain extent, but he wasn't the sole source of the bailout - Hank Paulson and some of his other cabinet members (former Wall St big shots) were pushing hard too. The argument was that the failures of Fannie and Freddie combined with the collapses of the nation's largest insurance company and the largest auto manufacturer would have resulted in a stock market panic and thrown us into a depression. It sounded pretty convincing at the time, but we'll never know what would have happened if the bailout never occurred. Looking back, a bailout on a smaller scale might have been more prudent.
I have to ask something else of my conservative co-members - how come Bush's spending on things like DHS and a massive government expansion have not really been an issue with you but Obama's programs have been?
I've mentioned on more than one occasion that Bush was a mushy moderate, especially on social issues. I never agreed with the Medicade prescription drug program, and I believe he wasted too much money on education. But comparing their respective expansions of govt and spending is like comparing the Hunley to the Titanic.
Do you actually justify his actions by the idea we were attacked on 9/11?
Of course not - they're not related.
I would think all debt accumulated would be important to one who is concern, not just the sitting president.
We have to consider the matter of degree - the Obama administration has run up more debt than all his predecessors COMBINED, in less than one full term in office. Let's not forget that Obama originally wanted the debt ceiling increased without any strings attached. During these negotiations he has once again displayed his total lack of economic comprehension.


Seasoned Expediter
Yep it means little which is something that the people need to get a grip on. I think we should take everything and just cut 10% across the board - no exceptions except military pay.


BUT at least he is saying something. Instead of having a closed door meetings about this "crisis", he is out in the open and talking about it. I think the focus should be on congress and we as people should not buy into the idea this is solved or they did this to stop some tragic event - Hitler seems to be still right, tell a great big lie and everyone will believe it.


I think it is not just the MSM crowd but everyone will let it slide but then the real issue is who really gives a crap what Obama thinks or says, he isn't the problem nor is he the roadblock. On the other hand, Bush has made a few idiotic comments and moves in the past too, remember the bailout speeches? He isn't mentioned anywhere as the source of the bailout which I think is rather amazing seeing he was the start of all these issues.

I have to ask something else of my conservative co-members - how come Bush's spending on things like DHS and a massive government expansion have not really been an issue with you but Obama's programs have been?

Do you actually justify his actions by the idea we were attacked on 9/11?

I would think all debt accumulated would be important to one who is concern, not just the sitting president.

Greg as you have pointed out more then a few times it is not Obama spending the money it is congress.Well unless they changed the way they do things in washington, which they have not then it was not bush spending the money it was congress.Everything bush did or said was blown upand made to be much bigger then it is or was.If Bush farted side ways it was breaking news.almost three years into Obama and msn and the left still blame bush for every problem we face as a country today.

Nafta,Bank deregulation,free trade with china,(US-CHINA relations act of 2000)Thats the one that allowed the floodgates to open on millions of AMERICAN JOBS being sent to china for cheaper labor that is also the one that paved the way for China to join the WTO(world trade organization)These are all policies that many on the left inculding MSNBC Blame as the leading factors for the problems we face today,They lead the sheep to belive these were Bush's Policies when in truth they all have BILL CLINTONS signature on them.

9/11 everyone dropped the ball on that one.but think back under the "everyones our friends" leadership of clinton and the democrats when the first bombing took place at WTC clintons reaction was at the time mutted,His administration Viewed the terrorist attack as a law enforcement matter and not what it was a TERRORIST ATTACK.You know the same way That Obama is looking at the FORT HOOD ATTACK.You know the one where Nidel Hasan shot and killed 14 and wounded 29 others all while yelling "ALLAHU AKBAR" Never mind the fact that Hasan was exchanging email with Anwar al-Awlaki a Islamist cleric who just happens to be a al-qaeda commander.the same one who Hasan and some 9/11 hijackers attended his sermons.But Obama is right everyone is our friend and we should just be "nicer" to the terrorist and maybe they will leave us alone.Thank god the good people at the "GUNS GALORE" store in texas dont buy into all that hog wash.

DHS not enough money has been spent there if you ask me.Yes the tsa rent a cops take it too far many times but maybe if they were around on 9/11 the towers would still be standing!!Never mind the fact as Obama and the democrats want to cut funding for DHS and the military security starts to get laxed.just take what happend on july 15 at Fort Irwin in california 26 AK-74 assault rifles were stolen.But hey maybe the ATF just borrowed them for a while for a undercover sting of some kind:eek:

Bank bail outs,Yes bush called for them and that does get pointed out every time they are talked about.How bush and the republicans bailed out the banks and wall street and left main street to fend for itself.You see do a little research and you will see that Obama pushed for the bail outs more then bush did.Take a look at how the votes went down and you will see that more democrats then republicans voted yea.Oh but wait had it not been for BIll Clinton a DEMOCRAT signing the bank deregulation bill in the first place then they wall street/banks would not have been able to become what they did and even need to be bail out.What was it clinton said when he signed it?"A GREAT DAY FOR AMERICA A DAY ALL AMERICANS CAN CELEBRATE IN"Now I know some of you are gonna point out the bill was written by republicans.Does not change the fact that Clinton wanted it bad.Just take a look at the bill, More over the "community reinvestment act"section of it.Congress may hold the strings but Clinton held the pen.And Bush had nothing to do with the bank deregulation.More over Bush twice proposed new tighter regulations on the banks and both times the democrats killed it.Who was it that said he wanted to "roll the dice on this subprime mortgage thing,its not like the federal government is gonna bail these banks out if it fails"?Barny frank said that.Who was it that said why are you trying to fix something thats not broke?Maxine Waters said that.

Dont even get me started on the wars or the "Bush lies about WMD's"Just look at and read Bill Clintons 1998 state of the union adress"then we can talk about that LIE about WMD's.

"He isn't mentioned anywhere as the source of the bailout.Which i think is amazing seeing he was the start of all these issues" youre words not mine.You see other then the two wars The start of "all these issues" lead staight back to the democrats.Obama is the one who ran on Hope&Change.Obama is the one who ran on going to washington ang changeing the way it was done.Obama is the one who while running said Washington is writing checks they cant cash.Spending money that America does not have.Then gets to washington and spends more money in two years then bush did in eight!!Obama is the one who said he was gonna end the wars.then got us involed in a third.And if he does not shut his trap on syria could lead us into a forth.Obama is the one who got to say what banks got how much.then let their CEO's keep getting those million dollar bonus at tax payer expance.Obama is the one who thinks it ok to take someone else's money that has worked hard all their lives and give it to someone else Because its good to spread the wealth around.I could go on most of the day but this post is long enough. so in closing Obama has that tell a great big lie and everyone will belive it down.Hope and Change.:D


Seasoned Expediter
thats not such a bad thing kinda proves what I wrote.they have nothing to come back on when it is pointed with the "TRUTH" wich is then backed up with "FACTS".sorry I just could not help myself.;)


Veteran Expediter
Greg as you have pointed out more then a few times it is not Obama spending the money it is congress.Well unless they changed the way they do things in washington, which they have not then it was not bush spending the money it was congress.

True. The problem is this as it was with Bush, it seems many only think (including many right here) that the president is KING. He can do the damage, put the country into a tail spin and shape the country to be a socialist utopia but all of that takes congress.

Everything bush did or said was blown upand made to be much bigger then it is or was.If Bush farted side ways it was breaking news.almost three years into Obama and msn and the left still blame bush for every problem we face as a country today.

Well are you guys not doing the same exact thing as you claim was done?

I mean who gives a crap of what the left leaning media says or does, they don't all seem to be on the side of Obama as much as they were all against Bush. I too blame Bush for a lot of the problems we face today because it was under his watch and at his insistence that some of the more damaging things were done but with that I also blame the RNC for their crying about one thing and compromising on it at the same time - the level of leadership in both parts of the government were low to begin with and lower still today.

Nafta,Bank deregulation,free trade with china,(US-CHINA relations act of 2000)Thats the one that allowed the floodgates to open on millions of AMERICAN JOBS being sent to china for cheaper labor that is also the one that paved the way for China to join the WTO(world trade organization)These are all policies that many on the left inculding MSNBC Blame as the leading factors for the problems we face today,They lead the sheep to belive these were Bush's Policies when in truth they all have BILL CLINTONS signature on them.

Well yes all of that AND MORE were done under Billy boy but remember it is the same exact party that is fighting in the house among themselves with no leadership right now and the same exact party that passed much of what Billy boy wanted that many of you are 'depending' on to "bring" obama down - the Republican party!

Do you seriously see any leadership coming into 2012 that would make a good president with a congress to back him to make the changes that are needed to fix the Bush/Obama mistakes?


9/11 everyone dropped the ball on that one.but think back under the "everyones our friends" leadership of clinton and the democrats when the first bombing took place at WTC clintons reaction was at the time mutted,His administration Viewed the terrorist attack as a law enforcement matter and not what it was a TERRORIST ATTACK.You know the same way That Obama is looking at the FORT HOOD ATTACK.You know the one where Nidel Hasan shot and killed 14 and wounded 29 others all while yelling "ALLAHU AKBAR" Never mind the fact that Hasan was exchanging email with Anwar al-Awlaki a Islamist cleric who just happens to be a al-qaeda commander.the same one who Hasan and some 9/11 hijackers attended his sermons.But Obama is right everyone is our friend and we should just be "nicer" to the terrorist and maybe they will leave us alone.Thank god the good people at the "GUNS GALORE" store in texas dont buy into all that hog wash.

Well first, it was a republican congress with the same people leading this house who are to blame outside ourselves. It was congress's job to oversee the different departments and ask why the memo was written that put up the wall of silence between the departments. IT was also the congress who helped setup the lame and politically run 9/11 commission who didn't blame any one person other than those who did the crime - OPPS there it is, a republican controlled congress.

Second what does Hasan have to do with anything other than showing that just maybe our congress needs to ask the question - are the FBI, NSA, DHS, DoD and other organizations doing their jobs?

DHS not enough money has been spent there if you ask me.Yes the tsa rent a cops take it too far many times but maybe if they were around on 9/11 the towers would still be standing!!Never mind the fact as Obama and the democrats want to cut funding for DHS and the military security starts to get laxed.just take what happend on july 15 at Fort Irwin in california 26 AK-74 assault rifles were stolen.But hey maybe the ATF just borrowed them for a while for a undercover sting of some kind:eek:

Well I differ with this, I think the entire DHS needs to just vanish and much of the TSA with it. I don't see a reason why we need to even have a TSA when they have yet to justify their existence and have been more of a burden than they have been a help. Our safety depends on ourselves, not some government agency who works without oversight from the people and it is all turned upside down and backwards.

Everything form the lame no fly list to the body scans have done nothing much for the money spent.

9/11 would still happen, we still have a communications gap within the different departments and maybe we should just solve that but than again we allowed those in charge to do that and what happened? We have wikileaks publishing the documents that some low level person downloaded and emailed to wikileaks - pretty good intelligence handling.

BUT with that said, we have not had real busts of real terrorists as I should expect. What I mean is with the millions spent, more was done to damage outside terrorist groups operating within the country from the intel gathered in the field or in gitmo than here. You have to ask yourself this; are these people that stupid to get caught talking about thing over the Internet or through emails or are those sacrificial plants to poke at our defenses to find out what we are doing? I really think it is the latter because those people seem to be actually dumb.

The same goes for those 26 AK's missing, there are many many ways to get weapons and one thing they do know is not to just steal them and have law enforcement chasing a trail that can find you if you are planning on doing something serious. Shouldn't congress ask the question - why would there be a theift at a military base in the first place.

Want fretalizer?

Buy a farm for a front.

Want weapons?

Order them through a catalog sales and have an FFL buy them for you. (seriously)

Bank bail outs,Yes bush called for them and that does get pointed out every time they are talked about.How bush and the republicans bailed out the banks and wall street and left main street to fend for itself.You see do a little research and you will see that Obama pushed for the bail outs more then bush did.Take a look at how the votes went down and you will see that more democrats then republicans voted yea.Oh but wait had it not been for BIll Clinton a DEMOCRAT signing the bank deregulation bill in the first place then they wall street/banks would not have been able to become what they did and even need to be bail out.What was it clinton said when he signed it?"A GREAT DAY FOR AMERICA A DAY ALL AMERICANS CAN CELEBRATE IN"Now I know some of you are gonna point out the bill was written by republicans.Does not change the fact that Clinton wanted it bad.Just take a look at the bill, More over the "community reinvestment act"section of it.Congress may hold the strings but Clinton held the pen.And Bush had nothing to do with the bank deregulation.More over Bush twice proposed new tighter regulations on the banks and both times the democrats killed it.Who was it that said he wanted to "roll the dice on this subprime mortgage thing,its not like the federal government is gonna bail these banks out if it fails"?Barny frank said that.Who was it that said why are you trying to fix something thats not broke?Maxine Waters said that.

Well here is another issue, Bush used the same intel from the fed that Obama did and this left us with no real recourse but to allow it to happen. Everyone was scared and the "experts" who were telling us we were going into a depression had us thinking it was 1929 all over again.

If one republican voted for any of the bail outs, it shows a lack of unified leadership among them.

As for the rest of the stuff, yes Clinton pushed for deregulation but that's not the issue that caused this, the congress under republican leadership went along with the idea that we do not have to have congress writing the regulations and allowed the departments to write them instead. THIS is the real problem and no one seems to want to get a grip on this issue which is one that impacts us - HOS anyone?

Oh and it was a republican lead congress that stopped doing oversight of the housing market because people were making good money and putting that money into their hands for reelection.

One thing I learned in Government 101, the president may have the pen but without congress he won't have a thing to sign.

Dont even get me started on the wars or the "Bush lies about WMD's"Just look at and read Bill Clintons 1998 state of the union adress"then we can talk about that LIE about WMD's.

Well here is the thing about the wars, and I explained this before - Iraq was done for a number of reasons, one was simply to add a thorn in Iran's side which worked until 2009. WMDs? Yep he had them and YEP we found some evidence of them but people cling on that just like Obama is the second coming. Afghanistan on the other hand is a cluster and sorry but a waste not because of the people or the troops not doing a good job but because of the situation with Pakistan.

"He isn't mentioned anywhere as the source of the bailout.Which i think is amazing seeing he was the start of all these issues" youre words not mine.You see other then the two wars The start of "all these issues" lead staight back to the democrats.Obama is the one who ran on Hope&Change.Obama is the one who ran on going to washington ang changeing the way it was done.Obama is the one who while running said Washington is writing checks they cant cash.Spending money that America does not have.Then gets to washington and spends more money in two years then bush did in eight!!Obama is the one who said he was gonna end the wars.then got us involed in a third.And if he does not shut his trap on syria could lead us into a forth.Obama is the one who got to say what banks got how much.then let their CEO's keep getting those million dollar bonus at tax payer expance.Obama is the one who thinks it ok to take someone else's money that has worked hard all their lives and give it to someone else Because its good to spread the wealth around.I could go on most of the day but this post is long enough. so in closing Obama has that tell a great big lie and everyone will belive it down.Hope and Change.:D

NOPE the wars lead back to the need to punish someone because those who caused 9/11 were dead and we didn't get "justice". The whole 9/11 thing is sickening anyways because we are acting like victims in this country and have to "memorialize" the event so we "never forget" instead of showing our resolve and just rebuilding. I think rebuilding would have shown the world and the terrorists that they are not important. BUT to build museums, have a garden and change the name shows we are weak.

Obama has said the same thing all the other candidates have said when they were running, nothing different there. Even Palin, hillary and Thompson were saying the same thing.

As for the rest, I don't see him taking any uber-rich person's money but I do see this congress screwing the small business man again. The problem is not that we have a president that is good or bad, we have the problem that most think that he is the most important thing that is in our government and many of you proved that time and time again by focusing on everything he says or does. It is the same for the hate of the man that was there during Bush, I said this before that it is the hate that clouds our judgment and lets them get away with what they get away with and this is also proven here.

Speaking about the media, I don't see the difference between the liberal media (aka msm) and Fox or the blogs that are out there regurgitating the same old crap - not too many original thoughts. I see many use the moniker MSM as if it is a bash against the liberal media but that also means Fox too.

About Obama, he is a politician and he is from Chicago. He is leaning towards the Marxist ideals and has staff who think that the Fascist ideals will work here - which are left wing socialist ideals too. He is not as important as the congress and it is the congress who has to be changed FIRST before the president. We are in a mess, the solution is not easy at the same time not many will talk about real solutions and actually stick to them in the political world because they may not get reelected.

The two greatest things that Obama has done is to convince people he is important at the same time act as if he cares. It has and still works and based on the problems with and within the RNC and the talking heads who want to be candidates in 2012 are doing, he can get a second term with a wider margin than what people think could be possible.