Obama and the Graveyard of Empires


Veteran Expediter

interesting read.....yea its from the right, abd its opinion, but one can hope....barry said so....:D

Obama and the Graveyard of Empires

Written by Frank Creel
Friday, 02 October 2009 05:32

ARLINGTON, VA -- You read it here first: There is a 50-50 chance that President Obama will not get his party's nomination in 2012, much less be re-elected, so grave have been his policy errors. Presidents rarely escape the consequences of serious misjudgments.
Andrew Johnson came within a vote of being removed from office after underestimating the power of the radical reconstructionists.
Harry Truman, after firing General MacArthur and trying to seize the steel mills, decided not to run for re-election when his popularity fell to 22 percent.
Lyndon Johnson made the same decision after it became clear his policies in Vietnam were losing support. Richard Nixon, who overwhelmingly won re-election in 1972, was forced to resign less than two years later because he bungled his response to a third-rate burglary.
Jerry Ford never got a full term because he pardoned Nixon. Jimmy Carter weathered a primary challenge by Ted Kennedy but still lost re-election because few Americans thought he had the cojones to tackle the Soviets, the mullahs, and the misery index.
Bill Clinton was impeached because in a priapic fever he choked on the definition of "is." George W. Bush destroyed his presidency in a fit of pique against Saddam Hussein.
Obama's mistakes already make these precedential misjudgments look like peccadilloes.

By his own estimate, budget deficits in his first term will exceed those of all of his predecessors combined.
His stimulus bill, which increasingly resembles a regurgitated cud of political pork, is failing to stimulate. Unemployment continues to rise.
The value of the dollar is propped up only by China's desire not to give itself the shaft.
His health care plan scares a majority of the voters, and his progressive abandonment of the public option enrages a majority of his left-leaning base.
Yep, a 50-50 chance Obama will be a lame duck after the 2010 mid-terms sounds about right. But make that a 90-10 chance if Obama, on top of all that, gets Afghanistan wrong and, like Lyndon Johnson, steps into a quagmire.
In May, Obama endorsed the Pentagon's decision to replace its commander in Afghanistan, General David McKiernan, with General Stanley McChrystal -- the first time a four-star commander in a combat theater has been fired since Truman fired MacArthur. McChrystal has told Obama that the mission is in danger of failure without more troops. His boss, David Petraeus of Iraq surge fame, has gotten behind McChrystal's demand.
The pressure on Obama to go along with the recommendations of his military commanders is undoubtedly intense. He should resist that pressure -- not for the political reason of getting his party's nomination and getting re-elected but for the good of the country.
McChrystal and Petraeus cannot be faulted. They are just doing their job in the full light, doubtlessly, of the most up-to-date military doctrine. Their professionalism is an essential element of the give and take of our open decision making process which, in the time-honored national tradition, postulates firm civilian control over those armed professionals. It is the job of our elected politicians and the civilian officials they appoint to assess the recommendations of military professionals against the demands and probabilities of budget, politics, culture, and history -- in short, the overarching national interest.
Afghanistan is remote and rugged. It has a primitive agricultural economy, a mainstay of which is the cultivation of poppies for the production of heroin and morphine. It is ethnically divided among Pashtuns, Tajiks, Hazaras, and other groups, and their tribal leaders are often warlords. Virtually all adult Afghan males carry and know how to use firearms. The government, now and far back into the mists of the past, is irretrievably corrupt. There are 28 million Afghans, and the vast majority of them despise the foreigners who come into their country in vain attempts to order their affairs. The British Empire suffered one of its worst military defeats in 19th-century Afghanistan. The Soviets left Afghanistan with their tails between their legs. A historian would expect Americans, perhaps more than any other nation, to understand how it is possible for a small, relatively poor country to inflict defeat on a world-class imperial power.
That is precisely what we did to the British Empire at the apex of its military might and political prestige. That is what Vietnam did to us at the height of our military might and political prestige. There is a common factor in all these historical events. The Brits and the Russians were fighting on Afghan soil. The Brits were fighting on American soil. We were fighting on Vietnamese soil. There is no magic or strange power in dirt. The force to be reckoned with in each of these cases is the strong attachment of the inhabitants to their own national dirt. In all history, there is no more hated warrior, no soldier more worthy of a violent, bloody end, than the one who is perceived as an invader or an occupier. It makes absolutely no difference how those invading, occupying soldiers perceive themselves.
Sure, it will make them feel good if they can honestly tell themselves that they are fighting a global war on terrorism, or exporting democracy, or building a nation. But feeling good about yourself and your mission will not make much difference if an AK-47 round sneaks through your body armor's arm hole or just under the edge of your helmet. The folklore has it that Obama was prescient about the Iraq misadventure. But he did not own the Iraq war. He will need all the prescience he can muster in Afghanistan, which is all his.


Veteran Expediter
Today marks eight years of war in Afghanistan. Seems we are just treading water over there, Dennis. Way past time to fish or cut bait. Half-measures and political considerations render America's military presence into a fiasco where disgruntled troops aren't even sure what the mission is.

We are expending blood and treasure for what exactly? Afghanistan isn't going to embrace democracy. Did we learn nothing from the Soviet Union's military adventures with the Afghanis? What does victory over the Talban look like? How do we know when victory has been achieved?

Fighting bands of guerillas who blend into the civilian population is a form of asymmetrical warfare that works against our strengths. Pat Buchanan's isolationism looks better all the time.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
This is a more complex problem than Viet Nam - they didn't launch attacks on us on our own soil. The situation Barack Hussein Obama faces is very complex, and is compounded by the safe haven for the terrorists provided by Pakistan. It would be impossible to successfully impliment any sort of nation-building project in Afghanistan due to their fragmented, illiterate population. The main thrust should be to eliminate the ability of the terrorists to organize and launch attacks from Afghanistan or the Pakistani border regions, and that's a lot easier said than done considering the govt. corruption in both countries.

Needless to say, Obama is in way over his head. He is the most unqualified and inexperienced president we've ever had, especially in foreign affairs. Foreign leaders think he's a joke - a weak, arrogant egomaniac concerned only with his self image. If he doesn't take the advice of his generals we will be doomed to failure in Afghanistan, and that will be only the beginning of our foreign problems; the Iranian situation grows more threatening by the day while Obama and his cronies concern themselves with screwing up our health care and our economy. The longer this guy is in office, the more obvious his ineptitude becomes; the Olympics debaucle was an episode with insignificant consequences, but it served as a preview of larger things to come.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
As much as I think he is doing a lousy job as president, I don't see him getting primaried in 2012. I don't see any dem who would go up against him basically because if they did get the nomination over him they would lose most of the black vote and that would ruin their chances of winning in a general election against the republican candidate.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
It all depends. IF un-employment remains between 8-12% and we see hyper-inflation from all of the funny money he is throwing about, it would be then be possible for a dead dog to beat him.