
Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
I posted a message on EO classified in reference to NYC. I'm an o/o 24'straight truck with my own authority. Are you tellin' me NO freight is moving in and out of NYC?????


Expert Expediter
i move plenty of freight in and out of NYC every week and dont have any problems other than a police check point on the GW going into NY other than that no problems at all....


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
WHAT! Any expedite company LOVES anyone form NYC, mainly because nobody else WANTS to go in or out of there. There is quite a bit of expedite freight in and out of NYC! Anyone who is familiar with NYC, especially Manhattan, or is from there is considered a diamond in the expedite business! I'm a mere sapphire.


Senior Member
Retired Expediter
Trucker complaints about NYC are frequent but non-specific. What is it about NYC that is so different from other cities? If it's possible to gain favor with carriers because you are willing to go to NYC, and if there is a lot of expedited freight to be had there, what has to be overcome to make a drive into NYC worth doing?


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
Most of the complaints you are hearing from the drivers about going into NYC, are as follows

1. The tolls going into the city are very costly.
2. 53 footers are not allowed, and get big fines.
3. The traffic is bumper to bumper 24/7, therefore making it very hard for a big truck to move about. Time is lost, big time.
4. There isn't any parking allowed anywhere in Manhattan.
5. The loading docks, if you’re lucky, and there is one, are very hard to get to.
6. Theft is at an all time high in the city. Not only theft, but crime period.

These are a few, but not in that exact order. There are more I’m sure, but I can't think of them at the moment. Personally I like going into the city. Many, many, many good food places to eat at. The rate per mile is higher, at least for me it is. Going into the city is all about timing. Not only going in, but coming out too. In my opinion, if you know your way around and know the traffic patterns around town, NYC is then the same as any other city.


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
My co. gives an extra $80 to go into any of the bouroughs. This more than covers the tolls, and gives a few extra bucks for the traffic and general aggravation. I still most often leave that area with a headache the size of Alaskax( Just one of those places where if it's not one thing it's another.


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
When I first got into Expediting with Roberts Express I lived in Rutherford NJ near Giants Stadium. This was in 1987,Some days I would do 2-3 trips a day to JFK Airport and Newark NJ Airport.They considered starting a transfer operation in Secaucus NJ to transfer freight off trucks from out of town and letting local trucks familar with NYC and the airports to complete the trips.This never came about.At this time I am very relucant to go to Manhatten as I have had graffatti sprayed all over the box,attempted breakins etc.I will not go in at night only in the daytime. Before I got into Expediting I did local furniture deliver for the 5 boroughs of NYC. Made good money but had the truck stolen twice. So after the second time I said to myWife "lets get the hell out of here" and we did.I live in Florida now,with no state income tax and decent weather. It!s a shame that that city has become what it is today.probably just too many bad people and congestion.the whole infra structure is crumbling,roads are a disaster etc.