NRA has Obama in the cross hairs


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
The NRA has said it will spend money in the area of 8 figures to defeat Obama.

Charlton Heston would be so proud.


Veteran Expediter
Fleet Owner
I delivered next door to NRA HEADQUARTERS last week-- I was impressed!! HUGE OPTS.


Veteran Expediter
As a member of the nra and the goa, both groups are working very hard to defeat obama. The last 2 months the nra news magazine (1st freedom) has been filled with the bad news about obama , this month is almost totally about how bad obama will be for gun owners..

As was said, Charlton Heston would be proud!


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
In some ways I hope Obama wins just so those foolish enough to be for the guy will get what they deserve. Unfortunately that means those intelligent enough to know better will also get it when they don't deserve it and that causes me to do the one and only thing that can potentially save us from that horrible fate, vote for McCain.


Veteran Expediter
voting for mccain is simply voting for the lesser of the 2 evils, but voting for osama obama, is simply voting for pure evil and the best friend that terrorist can have


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Tonight I am going to imbibe in several adult beverages, get blasted and vote. Then I am going to throw up. Or maybe I should not waste the Jim Beam, vote, then just throw up.
Then have the Jim Beam the next night or the next time I am home. There is no doubt that Osama Obama is anti-gun owner. He is anti-hunting, anti-fishing and he is opposed to the Constitution of the United States. Ask him about the 14th amendment, the one that gives the protection of the Constitution to all people BORN in the U.S.. "Just let 'em die" Obama does NOT believe in that amendment, it might interfere with him defeating his worst enemy, human babies. Of course, cowards always go after the weak and helpless. He just sucks. Layoutshooter


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Yes, I'm voting for the lesser of two evils. The two evils are the only two possible winners. I hate having to do this but there is no other logical decision to make.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
It would be really fun to just once vote for someone I would LIKE to see in office insted of voting against the other. Layoutshooter


Veteran Expediter
Hold on cowboys,your the idiots who voted twice for the complete and utter fool/idiot who has single handedly destroyed our country and has taken our rights,our economy and our republic and flushed it.
Your a bunch blind fool hearty dreamers if you think for one minute that a nimwit orginization like the NRA can possibly have any effect on turning the bright and frustrated populace against Obama. If you don't like the result of the your two votes for blunder brain retard boy I suggest you quit your laughable retorts to the landslide ahead of you and do something constructive for Sara and John.Put your guns away once and for all and do something with your brains that does not include blowing holes in tin cans and bragging about your rights to arm bears.Another words,GROW THE F*** UP.
You sound like cry babies turning to your guns and your gun club to help your through your nightmare (which you created).What a bunch of hypocrits and whiners.
You know,you deserve Sara and that BS artist McCain who now wants to run from Obama and hide from the debate. I thought this guy was a hero!!! Some hero.
Like his senile opinion in Washington is worth his or our time in a crisis.
Your a sorry bunch of armed and parinoid little boys with big belt buckles and small (??????????????????) brains.
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Veteran Expediter
You would know alot about the size of other men's (?????????????????????) brains wouldn't you? I guess you are a "head" doctor now.

You call yourself open minded, but you are only open minded about people that you agree with. Other than you are a name calling, finger pointing, liberal, little kid.
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Isn't it gratifying to know you can always count on the liberals to expound so intelligently and brilliantly. It gives one a sense of peace and comfort knowing such well reasoned and clarifying commentary is available to enlighten the populace. It's so reassuring to know that we ignorant citizens have such intelligence to rely on for clarity and sensibility. I'm just going to have to cast my dumb ole vote against Obama and keep my I told you so hat handy if he does win.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Gee TalCal, ever here of the 14th amendment? You know, all who are BORN get the protection of the Constitution? Osama Obama does not believe in it. Nor the Bill of Rights. The coward baby killer. As for us "BIG BAD WELL H*NG" gun owners, all 80 million of us honest law abiding citizens, WE do believe in the Bill of Rights AND the 14th amendments. I took an oath more than once to protect and defend the Constitution from ALL enemies both foreign and domestic. MMMMM I wonder were Osama Obama, "Wack Them Babies" fits into those catagories? The sorry S.O.B. I bet he hides behind an entire army and the secret service. The sniveling whimp. Layoutshooter


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Hey, I wonder how "Well H*ng" a man it takes to let a baby die of hypothermia or starvation? Must take GREAT courage. More than I have. I bet they really put up a fight. That "boy" is not worth the air he breathes. What a total woose. By the way us 80 million WIERDO gun owners are one of the main reason that Japan never pressed thier advantage after Pearl Harbor. They knew they would get thier collective butts handed to them on a plater. Hey, they used to kill babies too!!! Gee they lost!! Layoutshooter


Veteran Expediter
Just giving myself my First Amendment right to express my opinion on this open to the public forum. Closed minded I maybe under the current melt down of our financial markets brought to us by 'rokkin noggin',your two time hero and intellectual big daddy.
How in the world can you even consider that you stand on any solid ground or that your group mentality on this forum is anything other then a group of mental midgets trying to shut out the reality of where your misguieded philosiphy has landed our dear country? The gall of it is nothing short of the lowest common denominator of utter failure and a loathing facination with all things big that go boom boom.It's the very simplistic and blind culture that allowed your types to be swayed by Cheney and Rumsfeld and the hoax of the worst President to have ever been put into power. Not once,but twice.
If your want to see the face of the failure that is now creeping across our country like a swamp land of empty promise's and bold faced lies and corruption from the top to the bottom,look in the mirror.It's your fault. And Bin Laudin fiddles in a cave.
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Well, Bush is a mediocre example and a definite disappointment in a number of ways. To get the worst president we'd have to go back a bit to our friend James Earl though or perhaps quite a bit farther back than that. The current financial debacle is not courtesy of Bush in any way, shape or form. It's courtesy of the greedy mega millionaires in charge of the various financial institutions who colluded with their counterparts at the accounting firms supposedly overseeing and auditing them. It is fun when you make your hit and run visits to the forum though. The rose colored liberality is truly entertaining in small doses.


Veteran Expediter
Fleet Owner
EVERYTHING changed two years ago, which today EVERYTHING is in the SEWER!! HELLO LIBERALISM


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Let's see, economic melt-down, MMMM Barney Frank blocking votes on new regulations on Fannie Mae? MMMM Osama Obama with a SweatHeart mortage from Country Wide? MMMMM The former Deputy Director of Fannie Mae, a long time Obama friend and on his V.P. search staff, once fined 2.4 million dollars for "mis-doings" as Deputy then promoted to Director of Fannie Mae, he was Director when this MESS happened. He will have to pay several million in fines, of course he made over 100 million in his time there. Don't worry TalCal101 , I defend your right to the 1st amendment, even if the "boy woose" does not. If you don't believe in one amendment you don't believe in the Constitution. But what do I know, I am just a stupid but well h*ng gun owner. Large caliber all the way!!! Bet no one will investigate the "whimps" roll in Fannie Mae. Or his wife's promotion to a 6 digit job just 3 months AFTER the "twit" was elected to the IL house. Oh and by the way, I TOO have a 1st amendment right, ALL of the first amendment AND the ENTIRE Constitution!! Bet the "twirp" would have been friend with Gary Studds, I know he is into Uncle Teddy, the drunken, womanizer baby killing pig that he is. You hand with "great" men. I sure hope you are of better charactor than those "Slobs" are. Or did you support the perjury of Slick Willey? Layoutshooter


Veteran Expediter
If I don't drop in from time to time you guys all start believing the stuff that gets tossed around here is fact. Somebody has to reel you in or at the very least give something of an opposing opinion. Thats all any of it is AN OPINION.Beware of the man who speaks about the truth.I once knew someone who started every sentance with "Well,the truth is........". I would hate to see or hear such a thing be stated on this "fair and balanced" site.
You just make me so ****ed mad sometimes I have to stand up and rant,just like the rest of you. It's what makes it America.Leo,what's the difference between your rose colored goggles and mine? I'll give you a hint,your opinion,nothing more and nothing less.

Layout,I really enjoyed your extremely well thought out and precise rebuttles and knowledge of our security operations and the Zionist threat.Excellent posting's and without the rage you seem to to store up for me.I don't take it personaly by the way,but you do come after me.I respect your service to our country,it's no joking matter.