Now I understand


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Well, they do say that "stuff" flows down hill, I guess it did!!! LOL!! I hope we find the cure before it is too late. It is not going to be pretty.

I will tell you on thing, old Osama Obama had better hope and pray that the few productive, self-reliant people left out there don't decide to join the entitlement crowd. Then there would nobody left to cover the costs for all the bums and malcontents out there.


Retired Expediter
You could do the American thing..blame Canada or some other country..*LOL* deny.deny.deny.....I did not inhale....:D


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Well, no one can blame me for the mess, I did not vote for any of the scum that is now in office. It is amazing just how bad it is getting. I know our elected criminals have been ignoring our Constitution and the People for years, but they hid it a lot better. Now, whew, I just wonder how long until they just say that the Constitution is no longer in force?


Retired Expediter
As long as the "People" keep accepting the goings on...they don't have to say a as usual...


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
The "sheeple" may accept it but free men will never knuckle under. It is a shame that there are now far more "sheeple" than men these days. I guess we should have seen it coming, eh? Just look at how many useless goobers out there are running around with rings in their noses!! Those rings make it much easier to control them!! In fact, I would not be surprised if nose rings are covered under Obama Care!!!


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
It just took us a little longer to get to this point. It has been going down hill for years. It is just now getting close to hitting bottom. Then, after we hit bottom, we are going to start digging the hole that the remains of a free Nation will be buried in. :(


Veteran Expediter
You know layout, freemen and all that means nothing when they speak the rhetoric about wanting to be free but not willing to step up and do something while risking all.

I'm not talking about the people who are/were in the arm forces or who fought on foreign lands or in government service, that is a different subject and a different group of people. I'm talking the people who have given all to fit or fix issues we all face and both won and lost. Many who have dealt with these issues have not asked for it nor wanted it but ended up with less than nothing.

When people speak of freedom, what are they willing to give up?


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
We will learn the answer to that very soon Greg. I do know that when people in here speak about what they believe and are going to do if forced they get jumped on, ridiculed etc. I fear that most, not all, Americans are now just to scared to stand up for themselves and will give into this terror.

They left has been working long and hard to turn this Nation into a Nation of wimps and fools, they might have won. I know what I intend to do, at least I won't have to put up with it for long.


Veteran Expediter
We will learn the answer to that very soon Greg.

Actually we already know the answer and have since the 60's.

We have not become a nation of wimps but a nation of selfish and greedy people. We have people fighting and fighting hard to get their share - look at how the left uses these poor ignorant people to get things done. They fight hard for the pennies instead of getting dollars for that same amount of work doing something else but because they only see that if they give up one thing, it will be a loss to their pitiful lives. The same goes for the right, the far right, they use religion and ignorance to control people to fight for causes that can't change the way they are going but they refuse to give the fight up because of their selfiness.

But ask either group to give something up to help others and you get a p*ss poor response that they 'earned it and will keep it' or that no one will tell them what to do.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
I don't know what it is like to be "asked" to help anymore, the government "forces" me to contribute to charity by "stealing" from me.

As to people not giving, you should live where I used too. All volunteer fire and ambulance, people come out in droves to make sandwiches to buy a new truck or raise money for a family in need.

I don't think it because people don't want to help, they don't like being told that they have too. They don't like pouring money down that endless pit called "welfare" knowing full well that it will not change much of anything, bums is bums. Tired of paying for other sins, lack of ambition or sense of entitlement.

When people show some gumption others are far more likely to chip in.

I don't feel that I should have to pay for other's to raise their kids, I raised mine, so should they. The inability to do so is, for the most part, just excueses and laziness.


Veteran Expediter
I don't know what it is like to be "asked" to help anymore, the government "forces" me to contribute to charity by "stealing" from me.

Stealing? No that's not what's going on at all but rather a pooled effort of spending money we don't have. Contributing to charity is a lot different from the government handing money out - big difference.

As to people not giving, you should live where I used too. All volunteer fire and ambulance, people come out in droves to make sandwiches to buy a new truck or raise money for a family in need.

That is a direct need for a community and it is being answered by the community itself but how many will stop on the side of the road and help a stranger?

I don't think it because people don't want to help, they don't like being told that they have too. They don't like pouring money down that endless pit called "welfare" knowing full well that it will not change much of anything, bums is bums. Tired of paying for other sins, lack of ambition or sense of entitlement.

Two different issues. Charity is not welfare, welfare is not charity.

People give to charities for two reasons, one is a real and true altruistic reason while the other is to get tax credit. Many don't like to be told anything, which goes back to the selfish problem among our population, I won't take away from my Latte habit to help someone out.

Welfare was the means for the government to control things in the 30's based on the coordination of help by the government prior to the depression (a very interesting history about Hoover and Roosevelt and how we ended up with this mess). Before that people pitched in and even though there was selfishness and greed was all around, the community and people worked to solve the problems for the most part.

I will give you a good example. We have a serious problem in this country - people are still losing their homes at record rates (yes what recovery?) and what are people concerned about? Rebuilding Haiti. It is great we are concerned about the poor people in a foreign country but they now billions of dollars being dumped into their banks to rebuild their country so I have to ask why is Clooney and MTV planning a "telethon" to help even more? They don't need so much help that they can't manage it (welfare problems at that point), people here do. Once we have people here helped, then they can help others and most of the time that is how it works. The selfishness for MTV and Clooney is what will make them look good, nothing else. When was the last time Clooney helped out a famiy?

When people show some gumption others are far more likely to chip in.

Not really, if that was the case we would not need FEMA, and other government organizations. The exception is ham radio and disasters but that's another story. It used to be we were communities, we helped in different ways but we are now individuals who look out for number one.

I don't feel that I should have to pay for other's to raise their kids, I raised mine, so should they. The inability to do so is, for the most part, just excueses and laziness.

Great! let's get rid of public education - the biggest scam in our times.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
I guess I have just had many different experiences than you have had. I see people stop on the road and help others all the time. I see neighbors help neighbors all the time.

I don't see that the government has a role in welfare or charity, however you want to look at those things. They are the cause of the problems, not the solution. All the welfare programs we have and what have they done? Increased the need for them.

I don't believe in handouts. They don't work.

I do agree that we should be putting all of our resources here. We have more than enough work here to focus on. Again, most of the problems caused by the government.

I truly believe that if it got really bad here, it is not, and the government went away, we would not only survive as a country but prosper.

Yeah, I do call it "stealing" when they take my hard earned money, which I don't have enough of for my own needs, and they give to bums who don't even want to work.

Speaking of work, off to my pickup at JFK, gotta earn somemore tax payouts!!