Now compared to 5 years ago.


Veteran Expediter
I just posted regarding someone who just wanted to take out a $2,600 a month note.

I really ask WHY?

Where have rates gone in the past five years? I just did a little caluclation and discovered one of the Giant players on here is paying 33.4% less today than back then. I will not mention names but should not take you long to figure out who.

At this trend I do not see Pilot, J, or KW, Freight, or anyone else lowering our repair costs of fuel, and has the insurance dropped? Have the trucks become that much more efficent that we that much more profitable?

A lot to think about when one is wanting to enter this with any long term view of what the future is going to bring you financialy. Some here can bragg, but its affecting you the same way its affecting me, no raise, unless I want to spend more quality time behind the wheel.

Maybee at this rate we can all go broke some time soon as inflation everyear is eating away at was once our profits.


Veteran Expediter
The % was based off of what I was told from Van rates....Now vs 5 years ago, so count your blessings if you are Grandfathered in.


Seasoned Expediter
Ah hem.....we did get a decrease in our insurance. I'm now able to save $50 a month. That should make up for something shouldn't it?


Expert Expediter
Where have rates gone in the last 20 yrs. In 1985 O/O of a tractor and trailer and not having my own authority we recieved 1.00 for all miles loaded and empty. Fuel was under a dollar and we didn't pay for load insurance. Compare that to current rates and it all stinks. But you don't see the federal goverment helping with our cost of operations( like they do buses and rail freight) except to make more rules and take more money away from us with current HOS, More regulations and more of our consitutional rights being taken from us. As Earl Pitts would say "Wake Up America"


Veteran Expediter
I can't compare this to 5 years ago cuz 5 years ago I wasn't in this industry. I can compare it to 7 years ago & I would agree that in general the money to be put in the bank seems to be a bit less. I know I've bought my last van for this industry.

There was another post about a guy wanting to get a job w/ a company using his car. I've run into a fair amount of people delivering things in automobiles & a lot of em are making in the $30-40,000 range w/ a lot less expenses. I made almost 40 last year & put about 10 of it right back in the gas tank. If I'd only put 5 in the tank the savings would have either bought the car that I'd be using or made my house payment every month.

I enjoy this industry. At the same time knowing what I know now.. if I was to do it all over again I'd get myself a $4000 car & use that to deliver packages. I'd be home every nite. I'd make ok money. I wouldn't have the insurance payments I have now. My gas milage would be about double what it is now.

Plus, this is a little thing but something to think about. Right now I'd say half my frieght is on skids & about half are packages. When you deliver packages more often than not you're in the place of business for a few minutes. If you've got a skid to pick up or deliver, often you're waiting a half hour to an hour to get loaded. That right there allows ya to do more deliveries in the same amount of time. Mind you, if you're delivering several hundred miles for each delivery this isn't much of a factor but if you're local it adds up pretty quickly.

As for our industry I'm not sure what the solution is. I know I'll be leaving it shortly, but also know that I'll miss it. I know if I come back, there's got to be a better way to do things.

Be well everyone,


Veteran Expediter
lets see,i started driving in 1977,pulling a 42 foot trailer,then 45,in 1978 went to a 48 foot,and now a 53
weight limits were 73280 gross,and are now 80000
and oh yes,the norm was $1.00/mile,and almost 30 years later,most truckers are still talking the same $1.00 per mile
we are hauling more for less,and if all the states were 65mph we would be hauling farther for the same money
in 1984 i found expediting,comming here from hauling produce with my own authority
the company was roberts express i was taking home more money,with out having to work as hard,then along came the other expedite companies,and with them the discount loads.
well guys,stop looking back,you cant compare today with yesturday,and if the company your with,isnt to your likeing,then go to another one,but you will find the grass isnt greener.


Expert Expediter
My mechanic still gets a laugh when I tell him what my rate per mile is today, he replies he11, I was making that when I was an owner operator back in the 1980's :7 I still don't know how I have managed to hang on myself at this with seemingly every day becoming more and more challenging in some respect or another. With the success rate of new O/O's being so low, I wonder how the profession is going to survive, it really saddens me that is nearly impossible to make a living as an O/O anymore. With FedEx and UPS taking over just about every LTL carrier out there, the future of trucking will likely soon consist only of the meat-in-the-seat underpaid wheel holders. Someone here made the analogy that if trucking companies could replace us with robots they would- how true.

Maybe I am wrong, and in the instances of the ones who can brag I am, but they truly represent a minority. Taking out a $2600/mo note for an expediter truck today MIGHT be a worthwhile proposition but only if the buyer lived in it, and ate, slept and breathed total dedication to their profession with little or no life outside of it.
My biggest truck payment ever was $1500/mo and sometimes THAT was a struggle to make ends meet. Then I feel belittled to know my friend down the road has a $1500/mo payment on his new SUV, really making me feel like I have been in the wrong profession :7 Mudflap


Veteran Expediter
My neighbor runs for Churchill and makes .95/mi. He gets plenty of miles every week, yet still brings home next to nothing after repairs and maintainence. I don't know how they do it, when it's not benefitting them financially. You'd think putting your heart and soul into a career would bring you good money for your efforts. Not in the trucking industry. Sure... some who have specialized loads make $2-3/mile. But the majority of the industry are controlled by the JB/Swift mentality, even if they don't work for said company. We, as truckers, sacrifice the most, are regulated the most, taken advantage of the most, listened to the least, and have the fewest fruits for our labor. As a collective, I can see where we're considered "dumb truckers". The only time we stand up for ourselves is when spouting off on the cb. Our actions (or lack thereof), as a group of disorganized o/os, determines we are getting just what we deserve.

"If I claim to be a wise man, it surely means that I don't know." - Kansas


Seasoned Expediter
I guess the sad or dismal part of this is that i was working for a small mom and pop place in 1998 making $1.40 a mile in my 1988 international 24' day i make $1.20. depending on who's stats you use, the cost of living has gone up 23.5% since 98, (that's from S.S.I.) so i should be making at least $1.72 per mile, but as someone else said, that does'nt include all the other things that i'm now responsible for ,(road usage tax,tolls,m.p.s.c .,canada agriculture fee's, fast cards, three day hazmet traing,blah,blah,blah...) It's just becoming way too tough to justify to myself, much less my family and friends, why i continue to do this.


Expert Expediter
>Yea, the large carriers are making money.

Exactly. The stockholders and the folks in the board rooms. Mudflap


Veteran Expediter
Nightcreature stated alot of facts, but whats the point of them?

Thanks for reading this and posting if you did. I just want to keep it to the attention of new people entering this that you cannot plan on an increasse to help solve any of the finacial difficulties that the future will bring (INFLATION).

Inflation is what I did not consider when entering this. Like T-Hawk said, dedicate your heart and soul and you would think one would be rewarded. In all honesty is there a company out there that really and truley is in it for the drivers as equal as themselves? I do quite well with my carrier, but the bottom line is strickly business I feel they care more than most but there hands are tied to giving us any increase if these rates cannot go up at all.

And my comments are a reflection of what I have listened to thru you the other drivers. Dissagree or Agree I would enjoy reading more.