November to remember and chit chat


Veteran Expediter
Took a chance....made it by 15 minutes and they unloaded...well, I unloaded my two 6' skids totaling 160# at Honda's MEI. Just pulled em and slid em off gently to the ground. Then I took a photo of their Fake Wolf/Coyotes to ward off all the Geese who congregate at the Pond. It kind of moves in the breeze...there's a few of them. Hmph, no geese there!
Bolt said stay away from Toledo, there's a ton of Sprinters and CV's there.
....and so I listened.
Sorry for your ruptured rear window W.O.M.! That stinks!
OVM, go Home for Thanksgiving, JuJu really misses you there especially at that Special Occassion. Ya hear me?! Just one or two Days...................for her.


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Worn Out Manager

Veteran Expediter
US Air Force
Do you have a back up camera? Or a bumper haha. What the hell are you backing into lol.
First time at INA they were doing construction and the drive was lined with equipment and when I opened the door it caught a corner and exploded the glass. Today I was backing my 20' truck into my 19' driveway.bang.

Worn Out Manager

Veteran Expediter
US Air Force
Worst part, even though I was OOS dispatch called with a GREAT run and I had to say no. They seem to always find me when I am OOS??


Expert Expediter
had a nice shorty to green bay back home relaxing.

funny event, I arrived at about 1800. There was no one there besides an office worker who can also drive a forklift because she unloaded me.

Anyway, she goes, we have been waiting for this skid 5 months! I replied "I can assure you I only had it for few hours"

we both got a good laugh.