Not a Greenie?? TRAITOR.!!!!!!


Expert Expediter

"Get rid of all these rotten politicians that we have in Washington, who are nothing more than corporate toadies," said Robert F. Kennedy Jr., the environmentalist author, president of Waterkeeper Alliance and Robert F. Kennedy's son, who grew hoarse from shouting. "This is treason. And we need to start treating them as traitors." :eek:

Interesting statement....
How big is YOUR carbon footprint...!!!!!


Seasoned Expediter
yep halfto to agree with ya on that one

after the two brother's had been rubed out the rest of the kennedy clan seem to me /to be DUIer's/ and a few outher things that if any of the rest of us thought of doing/ they would toss us under the jail


Retired Expediter
I just don't get U.S politics I guess...How can a party "The Dems" Have any credibility when they have Ted Kennedy as a leader I mean the whole Kennedy clan has been nothing but drunks, rapists, adulterous and killers...Not to mention how they got the family money to begin with...The Kennedys should have been run outta the party long ago...


Veteran Expediter
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is like many lost souls (so to speak) and jumped on this band wagon of global warming for a few personal reasons. Like his father and uncles, he knows that he has to make it appear that he cares, he is in tune with and wants to see changes brought about on what ever subject that they are with at the time.

If you read some of his articles and opinions, you will find someone who is out of touch with most of the real issues and speaks only from one point of view which has taken a position of extreme global warming fanaticisms. It is very scary when you compare the parallels to this and to Islamic fundamentalism.

Unlike his uncle, JFK who actually followed through on a bunch of issues, Robert F. Kennedy Jr is like his father, failing to see the impact of his actions or rhetoric and not knowing to know when to shut hi mouth. RFK did it with the Unions, organized crime and the Southern Baptist - RFK jr is doing it with journalist and people in general.

But again the people don't understand the warped and convoluted family the Kennedy have been, starting with their crooked and corrupt father down to the latest spawn of the family, not one of them really is worthy of any attention. If there is an embarrassment to the US, it is the Kennedy's.


Veteran Expediter
There are the Kennedys and then there are the Shrivers. I would not throw this family in with the rest of the Kennedys. These people have done much for the downtrodden in our country.They use their own money and keep a low profile. Among the things they have created is the Special Olympics.