Thanks, I know I won't be a progressive customer any time soon.
I would rather see Oprah use her influence to actually do some good for the people, like demand states to tighten up driver's training and licensing - maybe campaign to raise the age limit to 18 for first time drivers. Most of these issues seems to be with kids who are both immature, and inexperienced. Forget if they get hurt, they've been warned and same goes for their parents, but the innocent victims, which can be you or me in the future should be our only concern.
This is typical Oprah, she parades the people who are "victims" and "experts" on her show, not because there really is a crisis but they make her look good. Bringing this "issue" to light in this fashion is typical flavor of the week - sitting there with her staff trying to figure out what garners more ratings, the Sex Slave issue or the texting and talking while driving.
I think but may be mistaken that one of Oprah's sponsors for some of markets her show appears in is Ford Motor Company, and with their "sync - connect the car to the world" system she should be slamming them and dropping them as a sponsor but money and appearance means more to her than anything else.