No Phone Zone


Expert Expediter
Have you heard about this campaign? I saw a commercial today, sponsored by Progressive. How would you be affected if you couldn't use your phone while your vehicle is in motion?

I don't Text while I am in my Truck, and If I get a Text I Usually Pull Over somewhere and tell them that I was Driving and to Call Me Later as I Have a Hands Free set up!
If I was Out on the Road and and Coiuldn't use my Phone Because it was In Motion then it would Irritate the Dog Stuffing Outta me, Because If I am in Motion Means that my Co-Drivers Phone would also be Interupted and she couldn't use hers either, We Couldn't make or Receive Calls from the Shipper/Consignee for Better Directions and Be Out of touch back Home for any Emergencies! Killing the Phone while in Motion is Not the Answer, It's the Fools that feel that they Have to Text While Driving that should be Addressed! :D


Veteran Expediter
Without a QC, it would be tough for me, absolutely.
I think the focus on cellphones & text messaging is the wrong approach, selecting just the 2 distractions that can be proven, [therefore fined], and disregarding the fact that ANY distraction is a danger.
Same thing for speeding: it's not half as dangerous as frequent and/or impulsive lane changes, but it's what gets fined, because it can be proven.
We'd all be safer if the focus was on reducing distracted and aggressive driving rather than than singling out particular behaviors, as if that's all that needs to be [or can be] done. :(


Expert Expediter
Poor Boy, this isn't only texting, it's also using hands-free calling.

OHhhhhhh, Sorry! Sometimes I Get Too Far Into things and Just Ramble on:)

I Wouldn't Like it if the Phones were somehow Turned off while in Motion because of the Reasons I Stated above regarding being Out of Touch with Shippers/Receivers and Home. Usually when a Call has to be made then the Co-Driver who Is Not Driving Does it! :D

gotta go

Veteran Expediter
I sent the following letter to my Progressive Insurance agent today. Hopefully they will step forward and remind Progressive that commercial drivers are a large portion of their customer base.

I know your agency can't match Oprah when it comes to influence, but...I was disappointed to see that Progressive is a sponsor for the No Phone Zone campaign. If states make it illegal to drive and use a cell phone, it will diminish our ability to safely do our jobs.
Would you please let Progressive know that your clients use hands-free systems to conduct their business.
No phone zone is one of those knee jerk reaction things that get picked up and not thought through.
Picture it, driver's phone rings, let it go to voice mail. Take next exit ramp, pull off on shoulder to listen to voice mail. Take time to return call. Pull off of shoulder, back onto Interstate. Have now lost 15 minutes out of day, must pick up speed in order to make up lost time. Repeat 10 times.
Do you see the consequences? What if there is no exit ramp for 10 miles? Does the truck pull over on the shoulder of the roadway? What if you're in a town? What if the call is a family emergency? How many times does an accident take place because a truck is pulling back onto the highway and slowly building up to speed? How many accidents take place due to excessive speed? Driver has only a limited amount of time to drive each day. If they've had the magic 10 calls in a day, at a minimum of 15 minutes each, that's 2 1/2 hours out of the day.
Please request that Progressive drop their support of this campaign.


Veteran Expediter
Thanks, I know I won't be a progressive customer any time soon.

I would rather see Oprah use her influence to actually do some good for the people, like demand states to tighten up driver's training and licensing - maybe campaign to raise the age limit to 18 for first time drivers. Most of these issues seems to be with kids who are both immature, and inexperienced. Forget if they get hurt, they've been warned and same goes for their parents, but the innocent victims, which can be you or me in the future should be our only concern.

This is typical Oprah, she parades the people who are "victims" and "experts" on her show, not because there really is a crisis but they make her look good. Bringing this "issue" to light in this fashion is typical flavor of the week - sitting there with her staff trying to figure out what garners more ratings, the Sex Slave issue or the texting and talking while driving.

I think but may be mistaken that one of Oprah's sponsors for some of markets her show appears in is Ford Motor Company, and with their "sync - connect the car to the world" system she should be slamming them and dropping them as a sponsor but money and appearance means more to her than anything else.