Ted Kennedy did NOTHING. He NEVER served in the military. Neither did Robert. Of the three Kennedy's in Arlington only John served in the military. I seem to remember that there were two other Kennedy brothers who served. I THINK one was killed in a bomber training flight.
All military members are assigned a job. If ANY job goes undone the entire system breaks down, making it impossible for the "combat soldier" to do "his" job. There is no such thing as a "second class vet", assuming honorable service. As long as we have "class warfare" between different "types" of vets we all lose. Keep in mind that in today's world it takes about 15 "support" troops to keep one combat soldier operating.
so i am a vet too ?? .because i worked on the Military Vehicles . that 4 soldiers used and their lives depended on the work that i did .
"If ANY job goes undone the entire system breaks down" can that be said only for the Military ??
so the guy that picks the fruit .
should be treated the same way has the truck driver that delivers the friut to the store .
should be treated the same way as the salesman that sells the fruit to the stores .
should the bag boys that baged the fruit at the store after the people bought the friut and carried it out to the cars of the buyers .be treated any differant
they all supported the fruit so why is Military any differant then any thing else "If ANY job goes undone the entire system breaks down"