No jobs for US citizens without Homeland Security


Retired Expediter
US citizens who apply for a job will need prior approval from Department of Homeland Security under the terms immigration bill passed by the Senate this week.

American Civil Liberties Union pointed out that the DHS's Employment Eligibility Verification System (EEVS) is error plagued and if the department makes a mistake in determining work eligibility, there will be virtually no way to challenge the error or recover lost wages due to the bill’s prohibitions on judicial review.

Even current employees will need to obtain eligibility approval from the DHS Within 60 days of the Immigration Reform Act of 2006 becoming law.

"EEVS would be a financial and bureaucratic nightmare for both businesses and workers," said Timothy Sparapani, ACLU Legislative Counsel. "Under this already flawed program no one would be able to work in the U.S. without DHS approval - creating a ‘No Work List’ similar to the government’s ‘No Fly List.’ We need immigration reform, but not at this cost."

The act allocates US$400 million for the implementation of the EEVS, but the Congressional Budgeting Office estimates the system to cost in excess of a billion dollars.


Veteran Expediter
RE: No jobs for US citizens without Homeland Secur

If people don't realize that the Senate is so far removed from reality, when will they.

I critisized the truckers before and going to do it again - this is actually worst than the mexican trucks hitting our roads. when are they going to realize their jobs will be lost.


Retired Expediter
RE: No jobs for US citizens without Homeland Secur

Was always my opinion that the DHS has grown to be a monster. Too big too reign in....I was skimming over the Immigration Act of 2006 and most of the language changes from Attorney General and Consular to Director for Homeland Security.

This is going to effect every U.S. citizen in the heart...EVERY employee must apply for a security permit!!! Citizens will have 60 days from day of passing to apply.

I didn't see any reference to the self-employed but I am betting it's in the works.


Retired Expediter
RE: No jobs for US citizens without Homeland Secur

It came to me..This is just the old National ID card you all fighting against just with a different presentation.
Every working person in the U.S. will have to register with this program.
Just another example of the DHS getting what they want. To tell you honestly that whole dept of DHS scares the bejebbes outta me.


Veteran Expediter
RE: No jobs for US citizens without Homeland Secur

Can someone please explain to me what is bad about a national ID card?

I mean we are close to it now.


Retired Expediter
RE: No jobs for US citizens without Homeland Secur

Greg...I just read about it a couple years ago..

To me big brother already knows who we are thru our Soc. Sec card and drivers licenses' (Real ID program) Espescially our profession with DOT checks, DOT phys. FAST, Hazmat....we've left our fingerprints all over the place...


Veteran Expediter
RE: No jobs for US citizens without Homeland Secur

>To me big brother already knows who we are thru our Soc. Sec
>card and drivers licenses' (Real ID program) Espescially our
>profession with DOT checks, DOT phys. FAST, Hazmat....we've
>left our fingerprints all over the place...

See this is what I am getting at, many who seem to cry about a national ID already have been ID'd and are part of the greater system as a professional driver. I am thinking that a standardized ID system is better than the state issued ID,


Expert Expediter
RE: No jobs for US citizens without Homeland Secur

And the Dems say we aint doing enough with immigration reform. :+


Veteran Expediter
RE: No jobs for US citizens without Homeland Secur

Goosestep anyone? Can you say "papaz pleeze?"

-Vampire Super Slooth Trucker!!!


Veteran Expediter
RE: No jobs for US citizens without Homeland Secur

If our GOVERNMENT would do their JOB and keep ppl out that SHOULDN'T BE HERE, we'd have no need for a federal ID card... or a Department of Homeland Security, for that matter. Comes down to our government dropping the ball and us paying for it.

-Vampire Super Slooth Trucker!!!


Expert Expediter
RE: No jobs for US citizens without Homeland Secur

"we'd have no need for a federal ID card... or a Department of Homeland Security, for that matter. Comes down to our government dropping the ball and us paying for it."

Maybe so. You have to figure the Dems as well as Repubs have had years to work on this issue. However, Im not so sure a real and total solution is out there. When you have so many in Mexico and around the world who are poor...they naturally want to go some place where they can do better. Shoot, most of our families came here for those reasons.


Veteran Expediter
RE: No jobs for US citizens without Homeland Secur

But mine did it legally, as have 99% of the others (current illegals not counted).

Nobody does a damm thing in Washington unless it's a dire emergency, or they're getting paid off. You can say the same of state governments as well. 911 could've been prevented, the dikes could've been rebuilt, the borders could've been closed to illegals. It all takes money and effort. Things that take a lot of money now will cost 100x that when that annoyance becomes an emergency. And lets face it... the government isn't any good at preventing emergencies, they're just good at blaming afterwards.

-Vampire Super Slooth Trucker!!!


Veteran Expediter
RE: No jobs for US citizens without Homeland Secur

Where does our anonymity exist in today’s world?

It doesn’t. It is not the DHS that started this as you already know.

I can’t see where I can disappear or not be followed by simply removing my address from solicitors list. There is no way life is simple anymore.

After reading what USInfo has been doing, selling categorized personal information lists of elderly people to criminals and that Clintons received a lot of money from USInfo, I find that we are so worried about something so d*mn stupid like a national ID while ignoring the real issues behind our identity.

Knowing from the medical information point of view, you are not a patient but a number. Your info can be accessed so easily and you will never have a clue what happened ever. The move by insurance companies and hospitals to make all your information regardless what you have, where you get care from and even if you pay cash for everything to be in electronic and portable form. Our healthcare system is so far behind and they are trying so hard to catch up to the rest of the world. By trying to catch up most of the safe guards that we think are in place will be removed or just simply ignored and you will become public information again.

I could go on and on but the fact is that we have two real problems in this country that we really need to get a grip on; identifying invaders and preventing identity theft. The former is obvious but the latter is a very serious problem and we need to do something about all of it.


Veteran Expediter
RE: No jobs for US citizens without Homeland Secur

I think the identity theft crisis is taking care of itself. When companies lose money, things start happening. All the government needs to do is uphold the laws punishing the ppl who steal identities. Less talk, more action.

Why should I have a federal id because my government let ppl in who shouldn't have been here? If ppl can forge driver's liscenses, it would only be a matter of time before they'll do the same with fed ids. Then what? Retinal scan ids? Fingerprint ids? DNA scans? Chips in our brains? No one said the mark of the beast had to be a number. (And you know I'm not religious).

-Vampire Super Slooth Trucker!!!


Veteran Expediter
RE: No jobs for US citizens without Homeland Secur

"I think the identity theft crisis is taking care of itself. When companies lose money, things start happening. All the government needs to do is uphold the laws punishing the ppl who steal identities. Less talk, more action."

No it isn't, far from it to be exact. This is one of those hidden problems where the many people don't have a clue what to do if it happens and don't realize that much of your info is in the hands of the public already.

The issue that many don't realize is there are no real laws that allow a person to restore their life let alone punish the people who steal an identity unless it is a crime against a lot of people. Starting with the most common problem, credit card fraud, there is no law that forces the credit card companies to assist you, they take a guilty first approach before you have to fight for some resolution. Of course there is some companies that help people out but the majority don't.

But as someone mention this morning on the radio that three of the biggest threats to the US are just being ignored; Terrorism, Invasion and identity theft because people don't have a clue where the connection are at and think they have nothing in common. We all need to wake up.


Veteran Expediter
RE: No jobs for US citizens without Homeland Secur


My problem with all these ID's is the fact that they out source them.We have no say on who gets the contract.I have to pay for the ID and then they use tax money to pay for it again.So some big corporation gets paid twice (once through taxes and then I have to pay to get card)then they take that money and give it back to the polititions as a campaign donation.So of course the politions keep passing these bills its just a legal way to divert tax dollars into their own pockets.The corporations love it because now they can influence the government by buying the elections and then pulling the electees strings(do what we say or we'll pull the campaign funds and give them to the other party)

A good example is the FAST card.I paid $50.00 for the card which is outsourced to Transcor.Then the government gave tax dollars to the Dept.of Homeland Security to implement the program thus creating a national debt that will have to be paid by the taxpayers later on down the road.Then I had to buy a border crossing decal for $100.00.This fee was originally sold to us as away to pay for customs new computer system which is what they claimed they used the tax dollars for.Its like buying a used car. They show that they gave you $500.00 for your trade in but they never deduct it from the price of the car.

Now the Presidential campaign funds are the largest in history.Where did they get that kind of money.I sure didn't send them a check, at least not willingly.