One thing I noticed in this thread is the use of more ambiguous terms rather than absolute terms. I bring this up as a stimulus to thought only in that we need to all be aware when interacting with each other that terminology makes a difference.
"Several" emails were sent versus three emails were sent. Often terms such as couple, few, several and many are used. Most people would interchange two and couple. Many people would put few next after couple and consider few to cover 3, 4, 5 and maybe 6. Several to a lot of people would be anywhere from 6 to 11 when it would be supplanted by dozen or many. Everyone uses a different personal dictionary for ambiguities. While everyone would probably agree on couple, trio and dozen there would usually be differences on few, several and many if given a paper and told to write a number next to those terms.
I don't have the computer experience Greg has to comment on technical issues regarding this or any other software. I haven't installed it or tried uninstalling it. I'm not commenting on anything technical, just that during discussions such as this there can be misunderstandings based on semantics and definitions.
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