No freight!!!


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
There is a proposal to significantly increase taxes on "business". Those supporting it wrongly think they can tax "business" and generate positive results. Wrong. Who is "business"? GM? Dow? Sony? No. "Business" is Fred Smith, Al Jones, Mary Brown and millions of others who are shareholders and/or business owners and/or customers of the "business". You and I are "business". Acme Widget and Gizmo Supply and Repair is a nice $473,000 a year small "business" employing 6 people. If, in 2 weeks, we authorize this ill advised tax increase the burden of that increase will result in 1 person being laid off and a reduction in sales and revenue due to all the layoffs in all the other "businesses". For us this results in much less freight to haul. The decision in the next 2 weeks will determine whether we have economic and tax decisions to promote "business" and thereby our livelihood or stifle "business" and us.


Senior Moderator
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Fleet Owner
I could be wrong, but I don't recall a single country that taxed itself into prosperity


Veteran Expediter
They are talking about raising taxes on "net income" which is the income that is left for the owners after the workers are paid. I doubt the owners are taking home almost five hundred thousand in "net income!" Lets get the facts straight here.


Senior Member
Retired Expediter
Sales tax is a tax on business and it gets passed straight through to customers in the form of higher prices. Payroll tax is a tax on business and it gets passed straight through to employees in the form of pay scales that have the tax built in. FET is a tax on business (as in the purchase of a new truck) and it gets passed straight on to shippers in the form of higher rates.

Businesses don't pay taxes. People do.

Any new tax on business will be passed through the same way.

Get used to tax increases. $700 billion bailouts don't grow on trees. Before this is over they will be imposing street access fees on 12 year old boys with paper routes and requiring commercial use stickers on their bicycles. Said permits will be avialable for a fee, of course, and the proceeds will fund the government agency that admisinters the program, and the salaries of the political appointees that administer the administrators.

Lately, one candidate has taken up calling another candidate a socialist. The irony is both of them voted for the bill that literally nationalized and/or took governemnt control of major American businesses. You don't have to go far to find a socialist these days. Congress is teeming with them.
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Veteran Expediter
Pretty stupid idea to tax people for working hard. Just so they can give my money to the slobs that won't work hard to make something out of them selfs.


Senior Moderator
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Fleet Owner
Regardless of who wins, same issue is still there.
Can't tax yourself into prosperity.

Amazing how some can complicate the simple.


Senior Member
Retired Expediter
When you have millions of Americans fighting for government program A, and millions of others fighting for government program B, and millions of still others fighting for government program C, and all of them willing to tax the other guy in support of their program of choice, and thousands of programs already deeply entrenched in the system, it anything but simple.

You smoke. I don't. So doubling the tobacco tax sounds like a great idea, does it not? You own some trucks, I own just one. So taxing owners of multiple trucks sounds like a great idea, does it not?

It's time to stand up for the healthy little guy!

DaveKC for President! :D


Veteran Expediter
:eek:Are you calling Dave little?
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Let's get the facts straight here. You need to understand that all taxes are paid by individuals and all I said is fact. We have a choice of how we want it to play out. One way is decidedly worse than the other and openly admits it although not in those terms. No freight is a decided possibility depending on what happens in 2 weeks.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Hey Guys, WE have the power here. All of us who get 1099's vice W2's. Just don't write anymore tax checks. It is time for a tax revolt. Take away thier monpoly money and they lose thier power. It's up to us. Layoutshooter


Not a Member
1st of all, I believe this thread should be in the soapbox. The tax restructure just takes back the breaks to the rich that King george the 2nd pushed through and signed into law. It will put the tax rates back near the way they were during the Clinton years. that was a period in which the wealthy did well and also the middle class did well, and the welfare recpients were held to checks and balances. I will not change any right wing religious fanatics minds but, I got my Obama sign up.

By the way to those of you that voted for George W. twice and think they are smart. I ask which is it? Because both can't be true. After his 1st 4 years it was obvious that he was miserable, vindictive and downright idiotic, but many Americans still voted for him. So now America's in a mess and the same people that voted for him twice state their opinion like they know what they are talking about. Go ahead and cry about the problems but if you voted for him twice you need to look no farther than your mirror to see who caused the problem.


Senior Moderator
Staff member
Fleet Owner
Davekc for president? Ummm
Not sure I could do any worse?

My vice presidential running mate will be Joe the Plumber:D


Expert Expediter
Companies don't pay taxes anyway. They just make up for it some other way, by passing the cost on to their customers or cutting other expenses, like payroll. How's that for trickle down?


Not a Member
For us this will result in more freight to haul. The decision in the next 2 weeks will insure that we have economic growth and will promote "business" and thereby our livelihood.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
The problems with the economy have been in the last 12-18 months and guess what, that's how long Pelosi and the democrats have been in charge. Obama is the one with the plan that will result in the impossible economic situation. His proposed plan is not mathematically possible using the decimal system and U.S. currency. Numerous jobs will be lost in fields as diverse as canine grooming, interior decorating and landscaping as those at $200k (the true number for joint returns in his plan not the $250k he falsely claims) and above find they no longer have the extra disposable income to pay for them. Along with all those jobs will go a fair amount of freight as well.

DaveKC for president! A better choice than the one threatening freight levels.


Not a Member
Just like a Republican. They have been in power for 8 yrs, yes the Dems took over in the house and senate for the last 2. The reason is people were sick of the Republican agenda after the first 6. The Republicans have bankrupted us. Blame the Dems all you want but you know the truth. The Republicans led by GWB have lied us into a war and bankrupted us.

3 things: This thread should be in the soapbox. McCain will continue the Republican agenda of tax breaks for the rich.

If you are a fleet owner with a bunch of trucks go ahead and vote for McCain. If you are a working class O/O or a driver for someone else it is in your own best interest to vote for Obama.

The Republican agenda of helping the rich and pandering to the religious right has killed commerce because the working man can no longer afford to buy a new car or spend any extra money.

Like Obama said the wealth is not trickling down the hard times are trickling up.



Veteran Expediter
Doug, could you please define "rich" for me. What is the yearly gross income threshold one must cross over to be considered rich.

I've always thought of myself as a member of the middle class. Yet I have benefited from Bush's tax cuts. So according you, T.C. and others I must be rich.


Not a Member
If you consider yourself middle class then yes you may have paid a little less taxes, The huge amount of breaks to the wealthy and I would say thats people earning 400,000 or more anually, have crippled our nation. So yes you may have paid a little less but at what cost to your income. The economy flourished under the Clinton administration while paying off the defecit. Obama can get us back on that track. I don't mind paying a little more if it gets the economy moving again like it was before George W. and the Republicans took over in 2000.

Republicans can argue their side all they want but the fact is the economy did well under Reagan but the defecit skyrocketed then George the 1st took over the economy slowed down a bit but the defecit skyrocketed even more. The fiscally responsible Clinton left us in great shape, a growing economy and a sound balance sheet. George W. has bankrupted us.

Vote for who you want my absentee ballot is already cast.

Obama will get us back on the right track!


Veteran Expediter
To ATeam:

Phil you have written many things on EO that I don't agree with or have serious issues with - however on this one you have totally nailed it dead on the nuts ...... and yes, it is ironic indeed.

LDB is so preoccupied and worried about the "greater evil" that he's gonna go with an entrenched Washington insider, an almost senile old guy whose future health is questionable, that the "party-machine" came up with ...... and was part and parcel of the crew that brought us the debacle we are now in. And an avowed warmonger .... yup .... just what we need .....

DougTravels takes the other side of the coin and rails against the "evil Republicans" and how they screwed up everything in just the last eight years (yeah, right - dude ..... what are you smoking ?) - so he's gonna go with another "slick Willy" - a dude that makes all those wunnerful promises about how it's all gonna be ok if ya just let Daddy Barack take care of ya, all will be provided (with no thought or mention as to how exactly it's gonna get paid for) .... no need for ya to worry your little head about it ....... Daddy knows best .....

You two actually deserve each other - you really do. If for simply no other reason than you two exactly represent the "fresh meat" that these corrupt pols chew up and eat on a daily basis ...... you are how they live ....... get by ....... and obtain their power ........ over you

You war with another as though you were each others enemy - when in fact, the enemy of you both are the very candidates you each support ..... but ..... having drunk deep at the watercooler filled with the idealogical (sp ?) koolaid, neither can see it .....

It would almost be funny ...... if it just weren't so sad ..... good luck ...... you're both gonna need it ..... 'cause it ain't gonna matter which one is elected .... the result will be essentially the same ...... :cool: