Leo,I don't need you to protect me,but thanks for offereing.It's our current gun laws that need a complete overhaul so that those who have a history of clinicaly diagnosed mental problems can no longer stop by the local 7-11 gun shop and pick up a slurpy and a fully automatic weapon of mass destruction (such as happened 2 weeks ago).It's bad news Leo,and you know it.You hide behind this cloak of strenth and wisdom about gun ownership as the blood bath continues.It's really getting old to hear your opinion.But I feel it's my duty to educate you and others who share your feelings and judgement to wake up and pay attention to where our lax gun laws and gun lobby money have led us.You want to go shoot wild things Leo,have it brother.You want blow away the bad guys,well,most statistics don't fall in your favor.I've never fired a gun,been around people who keep them and never will.I lock my friggin doors Leo and have secure locks.Maybe where you live the bad guys are hiding in the dark and you will get them before they get you.A hell of a way to live your life is all I can say.
Well I am not leo but I don’t know about this Tallcal what happened 2 weeks ago with an automatic weapon?
I may have missed it with the Obamania going on in this country and the nausium of people talking about the second coming of JFK.
If you have been in Africa, you know d*mn well that the only real way to protect people from dictatorship and mass murder is having armed citizens in the country. You know d*mn well that we have a cultural problem that goes way beyond the ‘local 7-11 gun shop’ mentality and into the problems of victimism and ‘not ask what you can do for your country but what you can take from the working people and keep for yourself’ mentality.
You know what really bothers me, maybe I held this in for a while, but it really bothers me to hear about a shooting and then the person who caused it was on anti-depressants – like this last ‘nice’ guy in Illinois. You know about mind altering drugs, what is so hard to understand the problem is not the gun, it is the drug. It is the politicians who have created this situation; they are not the one’s who can find solutions. The solution for the anti-depressant issues is simple; prevent MD’s from prescribing them for every ailment that comes along and stop this stupid policy to that allows the drug companies to advertise. These are the very drug companies that are CLOSE FRIENDS OF THE DEMOCRATS MORE THAN REPUBLICANS, the very drug companies that make BILLIONS.
How do any of you know what kind of a President any of the canidates will make? I admit,it looks like The Straight Talk Express may have a zipper problem,which is not a good thing,but other then that he seems like a hero type who has some humanity.
As for Hiillary or Obama,they can only be given a chance. For Christs sake,we gave numb nuts a chance even when we new he was a draft dodger(jet pilot,give me e break)He was a C student cheerleader at Yale who's daddy hooked him up with the Bama national guard,he never went anyway.He was a drunk and a doper.Money bought that President,lots of good old GOP Enron money(Kenny Boy) and don't forget Osamas uncle Mr. Saud.
Yea yea yea Tallcal, who cars about the national guard issue, who cares about if someone fought in Vietnam – that is in the past, it has no bearing on leadership qualities or integrity when you come down to it, we got to shed this need to compare Vietnam in every political race, until we do, we can’t move forward.
We need to turn away from the darkness of these fools,can't you see that?They have sold us down the river and we are so much weaker for it.Our enemies are real,but they laugh at the foolishness of our way of life for putting such a clown in the role of leader of the free world.
God, I agree with you if you mean the main stream political machine, which includes Obama, Hillary and all the rest. To do this, do you ask if people are registered to Vote, if they read what is going on or anything like that? I hope. But I got to tell you something that you may not realize, we really don’t have a clown in the WH like you think in comparison. I mean Chirac was an idiot, so was John Major and if you reach into the past, de Gaulle and Mitterrand were also, to mention a few. I think if you look at the world stage, you can find a lot of clowns in many nations past and present.
I for one am tired of being laughed at,screwed at the pump and an economy in shambles as a result of the W and his boys.Tax breaks for the rich on the backs of the worker bees. You should all be ashamed you ever voted for him and his posse.Ashamed and pi**ed off and ready to vote them all out.
Who is laughing? I think everyone is in fear of what is going on and still looks at the US as the world’s police. I know one thing, I listened to the Beeb today and they seemed to be thankful that we didn’t have a dem in office with the ‘Mortgage Crisis’ because they see what is going on, noting that the fed is trying. This is the Brits saying that they are glad that Bush is in office. Germany, if you didn’t know is hoping on McCain because of the massive investment that they have here and the German banks are already incurring losses with the investments they made in Fannie May and Freddie Mac – maybe it is time for someone to get into the WH and start eliminating the FDR programs that outlived their usefulness?
Ah… tax breaks for the rich BS. Please stop with the party line, you earned your merit badge already for that one. Look read this carefully – the real winners were not the rich but the lower class who saw a rate drop from 15 to 10% and the number of brackets drop too. I benefited a lot by the tax breaks, I bet a lot of other did and the last time I looked I was not rich, even by Clinton standards.
But this brings up a very good question for you to answer if I didn’t p*ss you off too much. Today I was discussing the good and bad about the Fair Tax, I was floored by the comment made by a liberal who said that “this should be embraced by the democratic party because this would solve the problems of many poor people”. So with that comment, I am wondering what do you think? Would it be a good thing or a bad thing and if you don’t mind, why? You can PM me if you like with the answer.