I also started expediting with TH. Ran for about 6 months with them for an owner .Owner decided to pull her van, which ended time with them .They were ok back then.
I ended up buying a van a couple years later and they were my first sign on company . Was with them for two months, grossed maybe 4K a month in a sprinter. Once costs, insurance, fuel, food, and my van payment.....I actually lost money running with them . Not to mention a couple of other issues I won't get into due to taking the high road.
It's been a couple years since then.....but I certainly don't have any desire to "try" them again .
But by all means give it a shot . They might have gotten better . I can say I'm out for a month at a time all over the Midwest, soith, and east......I just saw one of their vans for the first time in a long time .