New To The Expediting world

Jerrice Thornton

New Recruit
Hello my husband and I are new to this world and are very excited to get started. I would first like to know if “Try Hours” is a good company to work with and if not what would be a good company? We are waiting for a available truck with them. They are a 60/40 we pay for fuel. Your input in appreciated!
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
I really can't tell you about Try Hours, but am curious how you came to apply with them.


Not a Member
US Marines
I also started expediting with TH. Ran for about 6 months with them for an owner .Owner decided to pull her van, which ended time with them .They were ok back then.

I ended up buying a van a couple years later and they were my first sign on company . Was with them for two months, grossed maybe 4K a month in a sprinter. Once costs, insurance, fuel, food, and my van payment.....I actually lost money running with them . Not to mention a couple of other issues I won't get into due to taking the high road.

It's been a couple years since then.....but I certainly don't have any desire to "try" them again .

But by all means give it a shot . They might have gotten better . I can say I'm out for a month at a time all over the Midwest, soith, and east......I just saw one of their vans for the first time in a long time .


Veteran Expediter
Spoke with a Try Hours Sprinter driver today. Your roving reporter got a exclusive interview

Stated he was doing good, and they were keeping him busy. With a added statement of "at least I Am".

So pretty vague info. What is considered good and busy, maybe considered slow and terrible by someone else depending on a individuals situation. So take it for what it's worth.

But it was a positive comment anyways, so I thought I would share it

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Veteran Expediter
Stated he was doing good, and they were keeping him busy. With a added statement of "at least I Am".
The real question should be ---- are you making any money?

He could be busy, but not making money.

And even beyond that ... How much gross, net?
So many in expedited are working poor. Paying bills and just barely enough to get by.
Just ask WOM ... lol