New to FedEx/Need input please!!


Expert Expediter
Well, finally got one with FedEx CC in a van and I pick up my van on Thursday. I plan to run as much Northeast as possible but would like the occasional long trip. As some of you know, my only expedite experiance has been with Panther (And I did well w/them)I would love to hear any and all suggestions as this is going to be new to me and I want to get up to speed FAST! So, fire away... this forum has always been good to me and I could really use some info now.

Thanks and be safe!



Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
I hate to sound ambigious but what kind of info are you looking for. You said you will be in service as of Wedensaday night. I guess thats good for you but Fedex just like any other carrier will call you when they need you. Then you make the decision as to whether or not you accept the trip. The miles and revenue will be told to you with the offer. If you have run for Panther most likely operations will be similar.


Veteran Expediter
I really suggest that you go to orintation in green OH.

Before anyone says anything when I went half the class was drives for fleet owners, so I know it can be done and from what I saw FedEx didn't mind.


Expert Expediter
Just the casual info that comes with the job. best locations to position yourself, things to look out for, maybe how system ops differ from one to the other company. Not one for orientation (been through a few) Just suggestions, tips etc. In service early because there is a fair amount of trucks in the area... just getting a leg up on the wait time. Thanks for the help.


Expert Expediter
ds: Congrats! You should do as good, if not better than when you were with Panther (I'd bet Better.) If you have any questions or concerns contact dispatch, they are very helpful and will walk you through them. If you have any other questions shoot me an email. Good luck!

highway star

Veteran Expediter
You say you're going into service at midnight tonight and getting the van Thursday. I would advise against going into service until you have the van and have it ready to roll. I understand wanting to get your place in line, but if you're offered a load before you have the van you've created a problem. I don't think you want that to be the first impression. One thing is certain in this business, and that is nothing is certain.


Expert Expediter
I'll be going in service on Thursday after all... getting there later than I expected. But keep the comments coming. I am looking forward to the change. Thanks