Rookie Expediter
Hello all! I have had a class A license and been driving Tractor Trailers on and off since 2007! I have a total of a little over 5 yrs experience. My fiance wants to now join me and run as a team. We discussed and are now set to do it. She is in Truck driving school and will have her CDL on March 20, 2015. So here are a few questions I have. She wants to start off in a Straight truck 22' Cascadia or equivalent. So I am going to make the sacrifice for her. How much can anyone tell me about FedEx Custom Critical? Any info from anyone would be great! I've heard nothing but positive so far, which is always a good thing! One issue is our place of residency.... Tampa,Fl area.... We were told that this wouldn't be an issue of course and that we could run about 24 days out and home for several days etc..... Just wanted to see if there are any current FedEx CC drivers/teams in the Florida market that could volunteer any info. Of coarse as a driver since 2007, I know and understand the freight limitations in Florida.... But I also Kno that as a company driver I was still able to get home every 3-4wks or so and make a good living. I figure FedEx is everywhere, so it would probably be a better fit for us in our situation in Florida than another company with less ties to the entire 48. Any feedback would be gladly appreciated.
Thanks in advance!
Thanks in advance!