Rookie Expediter
Well what about mounting these awesome quiet and compact little Yamaha Generator DUO, one in/on each rear door? They can be bought as a tandem pair here~~> Yamaha EF2000iSH Parallel Combo Kit | Wise Sales If I understand the numbers then these are incredibly quiet!! They are entirely designed to work together too! I would THINK that by carefully sealing the doors from outside fumes and perhaps even creating a fan forced upward channeled draft in each door then both fumes and noise should not be anymore a problem than with an under chassis GenSet?? What I just LOVE about such a setup is if I can quickly unplug one or both gens and use them in another location for portable power! Think about it and then give me your expert opinion hopefully from years of experence and objective consideration ....obviously I am asking about this ONLY on behalf of myself and anyone else that have already determined that they DO require a generator (to ward off the "No to a generator" response which would not be appropriate for this asker!