Hmmmmm, I read this last night. After i dropped in madison ms., a load that paid me well more then $.70 a mile including the FSC, I looked at all of my runs since I started with bolt in the last week of aug., I have NOT hd a run that i did for $.70 CPM including FSC in all that time. Did turn down a $.65 CPM PLUS FSC when i had to sit on the load for 4 days, but that was the lowest load offer i have had.
Am i delivering cheap freight/ Maybe. All i know is that my ruck only moves when it makes me "X" amount of money, and i feel i am doing ok here in what others are saying is a bad time. I guess my expectations are low.
Now I will say, that if i was driving someone elses truck, or was asking someone to drive my truck, I can see how that would be a hard deal to deal with. But in my situation, and i can promise you that the games I play on the P&L are no where near normal, I am doin ok, and will continue to.
Bolt has been good to i have posted in their section else where on this board.