Ah, memories. My first was the C64 with a tape drive. Then I got a C128 and the 1541 floppy, and later the 1351 3.5" disk drive (had
two of those bad boys). I also had a 1MB geoRAM drive.
I was a Q-Guide on Q-Link (Quantumlink for Commodore computers, which later became AOL when it was rewritten for PCs) and a paid beta tester and online tech support for geoWorks (a windows environment designed for the Commodore platforms). When Windows 1.0 came out, Berkeley Softworks decided to move the geoWorks suite of software (geoCalc, geoWrite, geoPublish, geoPaint, etc.) to the PC platform, which is when they bought me the components I needed to build my first PC. At the same time Berkeley moved to the PC, so did Q-Link with the early version of AOL.
I was one of the five original Alpha and Beta testers for AOL, so you can thank me for many of the most annoying features of AOL that seemed like good ideas at the time (like Usenet access via AOL) but within 2 years became intolerable for me and most people.
But online tech support jobs geoWorks and AOL paid surprisingly well, more than I made managing a restaurant, in fact.