Clarification and intentions of Frayt Technologies Inc
Frayt Technologies Inc is a technology platform. Frayt is not a Motor Carrier. The concept of Frayt is to help owners of Sprinter and cargo vans, pick-up trucks, large SUV's and even automobiles earn supplemental income through use of their personal vehicles - very similar to Uber. Unlike Uber, instead of moving people, Frayt moves items. Frayt wants to
match consumers who purchase large items, or who need large items moved with people who own vehicles that can move those items through the use of a simple App. Frayt is not soliciting to transport pallets of automotive parts. Like Uber and other transportation technology platforms who are not Motor Carriers, the owner operators operate their vehicles using their own personal insurance.
Frayt is not seeking or attempting to have owner operators of such vehicles that are leased onto Motor Carriers leave the employ or breech the lease of their motor carrier. As part of the Frayt registration requirements, Driver Service Providers (independent contractors) are required to photograph their insurance ID card or Certificate of Insurance. They are also required to submit photos of all four (4) sides of their vehicle as part of their registration submission. If the submitted proof of insurance shows coverage is provided by a Motor Carrier, or if the insurance is Non-trucking Liability (and Physical Damage) only, the registration is immediate rejected and denied. If the vehicle photos include signage of any Motor Carrier we will not approve the vehicle.
Should the registration submission show proof of Commercial Auto Liability coverage owned by the applicant, and should the vehicle photos show no signs, or small signs that could be covered or removed, or are the signs of the applicant's own company then it is obvious that the vehicle owner is a true independent owner-operator who has the legal right to endeavor working for multiple companies.
I personally review and scrutinize each and every registration submission made by prospective Driver Service Providers to Frayt. My experience, credentials and involvement in the trucking industry should assure you that I am qualified to make such decisions. The interests of Frayt as well as the interests of Expedite Motor Carriers and the General Public are first and foremost considerations in the Frayt qualification process.
Frayt is an ethical company determined to respect and protect the interests of Motor Carriers and eliminate any possibility of exposure to liability to them. We want to change and disrupt the world of logistics through only meaningful and positive ways.
John Mueller, CDS, CDT, COSS
Director of Driver Services - Frayt Technologies Inc