NEW 2011 IFTA STICKERS - Do you have yours on?


Not a Member
Hope everyone has their 2011 IFTA Stickers on before you head out today.

Can't even think how much that would create some issues.

Slapped mine on this morning when I got up.

(thought I better mention that where my boss can continue to be Mr. Mellow)...LOL

HAPPY NEW YEAR and wishing everyone of us has a great year, health, money and mind..heck afterall we do need all three.


Veteran Expediter
Oh that's what it there for?

The kids who were over here for Christmas took them and stuck them on one of the cats - now she will have to pay fuel taxes.


Veteran Expediter
Haven't - but when I asked last week, our Safety Director said we have until the end of Feb to place them, so if there's a problem, I'll let him have it. ;)


Veteran Expediter
the safty dept here at panther.... says feb 2nd .. to get that ifta sticker on.
told me that yesterday on the QC


Veteran Expediter
Sometimes it makes you wonder ...

A company with a fleet of 7500 trucks sends their out in late November but small companies who don't have the issues like large ones won't send them out until mid-January?


Veteran Expediter
Small carriers may not have the same issues as large ones, but they also don't have the same resources - the Safety Dept may be one person, and the automated software & programs may be nonexistent.
As long as I stay legal, no problem. :)


Veteran Expediter
Sometimes it makes you wonder ...

A company with a fleet of 7500 trucks sends their out in late November but small companies who don't have the issues like large ones won't send them out until mid-January?

Which is why they give us until the end of Feb.