Well said brother, you Rock.
If there were more people like you around, we all would be better for it.
It's no wonder you have an Awesome Wife.
I hope we meet sometime.
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Appreciate the kind words.
Today was a cluster f***. Had about 200 miles to go this morning to get to the truck. We got an early start and we're making good time. We got an address and was told the truck is at an A&w. Ok cool. ...Negatory. Gps brought us to a farm field. We pull off to the side of the road to figure it out. Expeditors is not open on the weekends so we were on our own. Re read the email with the location details and it says "centex A&w". Check the truckers path app for nearby centex's and proceed to call all of them asking if they have an a&w also. Went something like this.
First place -
Me - do you have an a&w also?
Male attendant - no we do not.
Me - ok thank you
Second place
Me - hello, so you have an a&w also?
Female attendant - ..no .. we do not
Me - ok. Thank you
Me to my wife - man, she sounded super rude, your calling the next one
Third place
Wife- hello, do you have an a&w at your location?
Female attendant - no, we don't, you are looking for a petro/centex on the other side of town past Walmart.
Wife- ok thank you.
She then says why the hell did everyone become so rude all of a sudden. Come to find out, we called the same number all three times. Lmao. The app has a "call" button and we never thought to check the number.
We find a road that goes past a Walmart onto a centex. We head there and, EUREKA!! There is the fed ex truck. Awesome.
It appeared to be in good shape, 177k miles. Same as ours only with a tag axle, that apparently needs to raise and lower every time your turn the key on or off.
Truck only has a 1/4 tank of gas, but the fuel card was in the truck and we were told it is good to go.
On the way out I park at the pump, swipe card, and it was like the first day all over again. New questions, ones I've never seen before, and didn't know the answers for, also asked for the mileage around 1,058 times. With my memory of a gold fish I had to keep checking the mileage every time it asked for it.
So let me set the mood. Swipe, button mashing, mile check, button mash, mile check again, argue with the pump out loud, check miles again, meanwhile every time I turn the key to check the miles the axle lets out a loud WOOOSH of air and makes its appearance with an up/down motion as if to wave to everyone who is staring at me at this point. Finally I get a declined message over the screen.
Sigh.. let's try the card for the other truck. You can just go ahead and re read the above paragraph since it all happened again. Including the declined message.
Ok fine. We can't use our card at this brand of gas station. You win this round gas pump.
We head out. Rolled for about 200-300 miles before the wife started to get low on hours. We spent the last hour looking for truck stops that don't exist. In this area. Find a kwik trip with 10, count them, TEN spots. Which are filled. Ok. I'll get fuel here then...
Low and behold this pump also asks a million questions that I don't know the answers to, not to mention I pulled in the wrong way and was parked at the pump facing the wrong way. Go ahead and re read the above paragraph for a third time, seem to be getting pretty good at this. Screen displays "card not active" I yell to the wife at the pump next to me who looks hella professional with her truck pulled in facing the correct way and say give me your fuel card, she can't hear me, so I yell it again while my truck axle proceeds to bench press the pavement. Finally after pressing more buttons than I would entering a PlayStation cheat code I get the approval. But for only on side of the pump.

it, top it off and head out, with a 1/4 tank of fuel. Super glad I was able to get to exactly where I started 4-6 hours earlier.
Managed to find a rest stop up the road with open spots. Out for the night.
Really not that bad of a day. Got about 800 miles left.