need to get rid of all of unconstitutional laws t


Seasoned Expediter
1. drug testing without a court order
2. probabl cause
3. alowing detaning a suspect without habiscorpus
all this needs to be done befor they finnsh changing the rules and we become a socalist country with no rights


Expert Expediter
RE: need to get rid of all of unconstitutional la

I see atleast 4 mispelled words. Maybe we should start with that?

Oh yeah...I favor drug testing in the work place. I dont decide who is hired and fired. But, I would like to know that the people working there can be depended on.

We started becoming a socialist state when FDR created social security.


Retired Expediter
RE: need to get rid of all of unconstitutional la

Maybe the government should get out of the pension business?

Let people be responsible for thier own retirement. Think of the money saved by not collecting it and administrating it. They should make it so people can opt out IF they keep it around...not manditory.


Veteran Expediter
RE: need to get rid of all of unconstitutional la

Jayman... try about 20 years prior to FDR. Woodrow Wilson signed income tax into law. But I think most of us agree FDR pushed an extremely socialist agenda.

-Vampire Super Slooth Trucker!!!


Veteran Expediter
RE: need to get rid of all of unconstitutional la

O.K. here's a quick lesson in economics. When you look at the entire economic spectrum, you have on one end Market Capitalism. At the oposite end is Command Socialism. There is no such thing as pure socialism or pure capitalism. Both are merely concepts. Every economy in the world falls somewhere on a line between these two concepts. Some lean one way, some the other, but the best we can hope for is to lean toward MC. That is as good as it gets. We can argue about socialism all day long but at the end of the day we are, at least to some extent, socialists....


Veteran Expediter
RE: need to get rid of all of unconstitutional la

Ah... I agree with everything you said but this last statement; "We can argue about socialism all day long but at the end of the day we are, at least to some extent, socialists...."

Not in the sense as defined today. I lean toward classical Liberalism with fiscal conservatism and leanings toward but not completely, social conservatism.

For those who don't know, classic liberalism is what used to be a true liberal was, one who believed in free private enterprise, especially individual property rights, opposes of our welfare state and wealth confiscation and redistribution through taxes.


Veteran Expediter
RE: need to get rid of all of unconstitutional la

I feel I fall into the same category. I think they used to call that being a "Kennedy" Democrat. JFK, not EFK...What I meant by we are to some extent socialists is that our system, not necessarily ourselves, have some socialistic components, i.e., welfare, adc, wic, etc.