Need Information on APU's


Expert Expediter
I would like some information on APU's,especially either Willis or Blackrock. Currently, we have a Proheat and don't want another one so we're looking at either a Willis or Blackrock. Anyone that currently has one please let us know what you think and if you are happy with it. We have a couple of weeks before our truck is ready so we would appreciate your input. Sure appreciate the help. Thank you.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
I looked at numerous systems and narrowed it down to those 2 systems. Blackrock wins on maintenance with 1000 hour interval. Willis wins on using both dash and bunk heat or a/c to give more capacity and more even distribution. I decided to go with the Willis. My truck arrives at the dealer next Thursday and then has to go through their make ready, box installation, APU installation and miscellaneous things. Good luck with your decision.

Leo Bricker
OOIDA 677319
truck 4958
73's K5LDB
Support the entire Constitution, not just the parts you like.


Senior Moderator
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Fleet Owner
With so many different units, it can be a hard question to answer. Alot of my personal opinions would depend on the application.
Power requirements for example on a 72" sleeper, would be different than for a 120". Can you run a roof air? Or, do you need something smaller and contained?

While I don't own a Willis or a Blackrock, I have heard some positive things about both. We currently are using, Truckgen, rigmaster, and Powertech.



Expert Expediter
Thank you for your quick reply. In your application, do you think you are going to get enough 110 power out of a inverter to suit your needs? That is our one concern with Willis. It seems to me a real generator will do a better job but to avoid the inconvenience of the box under the bunk it seems Willis would better suit our needs. We've had a Power Technology before (excellent unit) but it will not work on this truck. Anyway after you get that unit installed would you let us know how you like it? Many thanks for your help.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
My current application is a ProHeat in a 96" sleeper. The Xantrex inverter is sufficient without running the APU except to recharge the batteries. I am fairly power conserving I guess. I do run the microwave at times and the inverter handles it fine. I make sure to turn off the tv at that time though. It might handle both but I don't push it. If you are considering a roof a/c unit find someone who can install an Onan 5500 and roof a/c for you. That is the best system for roof air. Good luck.

Leo Bricker
OOIDA 677319
truck 4958
73's K5LDB
Support the entire Constitution, not just the parts you like.


Veteran Expediter
Dang Dave I knew you had a big sleeper but three gen sets, must have a washer and dryer in that puppy. I want to drive for Dave.;)


Senior Moderator
Staff member
Fleet Owner
Dang Dave I knew you had a big sleeper but three gen sets, must have a washer and dryer in that puppy. I want to drive for Dave

That is funny.
We have more than one truck. The red KW your probably thinking of has a Truckgen.
Send your application:7



What's the word on the units on the Wal-Mart International tractors, I believe it is called Tri-Pac? They seem to run really quiet.

As for Aux units, I know everyone hates them, but is there anyone who likes them? I have never actually seen one running. They are always broken it seems.


Veteran Expediter
I love mine not to say I have not had problem but now know exactly what and why we all seem to have problems with them.

They are manufactured to be put in according the mfgs specifactions, but take a I know better mechanic and tweeek this and adjust that and hey it runs better than the mfgs suggestion so keep doin it this way instead of the otherway.

Mr. Time sets in and that tweeking well just starts taking a toll. Sure these products are not perfect but so much better than ideling a truck 24/7.

I looked at several other units for my second truck this site lead me to TSI and in my investigation on my other unit discovered this tweeking was really the culpert of my problems. Pro Heat has a great employee customer service Engineer that I know on first name basis who has helped me through everything that has gone wrong. What other company can back that up?


Expert Expediter
After the experiences we've had with our Proheat, it will surely be our last one we purchase. After $7200 to purchase and at least 7 times in the shop, downtime and add in the aggravation factor, not a very worthy purchase for us...hence the reason we won't purchase another one. Repeat customers is any companies dream...Proheat will have its work cut out for it.


Veteran Expediter
>I looked at numerous systems and narrowed it down to those 2
>systems. Blackrock wins on maintenance with 1000 hour
>interval. Willis wins on using both dash and bunk heat or
>a/c to give more capacity and more even distribution. I
>decided to go with the Willis. My truck arrives at the
>dealer next Thursday and then has to go through their make
>ready, box installation, APU installation and miscellaneous
>things. Good luck with your decision.
>Leo Bricker
>OOIDA 677319
>truck 4958
>73's K5LDB
>Support the entire Constitution, not just the parts you

Kraig Allen