Running dual Michelins I would conceder the ZXA3 on the steers and on the drive axle. They have a low rolling resistance so they will help with fuel milage. If you would like to go with a lug type tire the XDA energy is a good choice but may be hard to find, if you have time have your local dealer order them in for you, they are a good lug tread with thinking about fuel milage in the design . Can't find them or don't have the time to order? The ZDA is a good high milage lug tire, a little tough on fuel early in it's life but will get lots better after they wear a bit. Or if you want to go for wide based singles the ZDA Energy X One should be the best on the market for now, things change daily now a day, but you would have to change wheels also. The last set of X Ones we had we got 380,000 before removing them due to a sidewall issue, great ride to.