need a PM from a Nations Express driver


Expert Expediter
alright, no takers so I'll just ask the question. I'm new to nations and I don't know ......well...a lot. Nations policy is to pay out settlements on the 1st and 15th, if the 15th falls on a saturday do they pay fri, or mon? I know we didn't get payed yesterday and I tried calling the office but everybody was out for good friday. This will be our 2nd settlement, the firts was by check, this one is direct deposit, I just need to know if its panic time?


Veteran Expediter
>alright, no takers so I'll just ask the question. I'm new to
>nations and I don't know ......well...a lot. Nations policy
>is to pay out settlements on the 1st and 15th, if the 15th
>falls on a saturday do they pay fri, or mon? I know we
>didn't get payed yesterday and I tried calling the office
>but everybody was out for good friday. This will be our 2nd
>settlement, the firts was by check, this one is direct
>deposit, I just need to know if its panic time?

It depends, I have worked for several companies that were bi-weekly pay periods and one paid on a friday while the other paid on a monday. I wouldn't sweat it until after monday then give them a call.

highway star

Veteran Expediter
I was usually paid on Friday in that situation, but not always. I agree with not worrying until Monday.

Long Hauler 5T

Expert Expediter
FTP000, keep in mind also that friday was a holiday. they may pay on friday normally but because of this holiday it will be on monday's date. If the bank is closed on monday also it may not show until tuesday.


Expert Expediter
Being a previous contractor with Nation's, it is my experience that they sometimes don't run a really tight ship,(who does these days?), but they never, ever, shorted our pay, or failed to pay us.

God Bless America


Expert Expediter
its all worked out, we recieved a check..... now we just have to find out why it didn't go direct deposit. But thats just a phone call, everything was payed correctly I'm sure its just a paperwork snafu.


Veteran Expediter
>its all worked out, we recieved a check..... now we just
>have to find out why it didn't go direct deposit. But thats
>just a phone call, everything was payed correctly I'm sure
>its just a paperwork snafu.

Depending on the payroll company or bank, Direct Deposit can take some time to get setup and tested. one job i had took 6 pay periods to get going another one it took only 2.


Expert Expediter
I've waited 90 days and longer for money from Nations on loads that I've ran for them as an outside carrier so a few days late isn't bad at all from them.

The best at paying their bills on time is FedEx, followed closely by Panther, Tristate and Express 1, the worst in my opinion is Nations. They always pay but only after I all but threaten to drive to Charlotte and take it.

However........their local agents I work with are great and never hesitate to go to bat for me in trying to get an invoice paid.