Expert Expediter
>. Now it is your turn .. It is said that 86% of Americans
>believe in God. Therefore, I have a very hard time
>understanding why there is such A mess about having "In God
>We Trust" on our money and having God in the Pledge of
>Allegiance. Why is the world catering to this 14%? AMEN!
>In God We Trust
>The only easy day,was yesterday -U S Navy Seals
I for one, do not feel we should have to cater to the 14%. Does any one know how long our money had "In God We Trusted" printed on it or how long ago was the Pledge of Allegiance said in school. I remember saying it every day until I graduated and I started school in 1965. My Dad, who is 80, says that they also started their school day with the Pledge. So why has it become such a big issue today?????
I don't think believing in God has anything to do with what is on our money or the Pledge of Allegiance, or our government certainly should not get wrapped up in this. I think it has more to do with the fact that we have so many different cultures moving to this country and they feel it is wrong for us to have "In God We Trust" on our money and the Pledge of Allegiance in our schools since they have different beliefs. Which is fine but why should we have to change our beliefs for anyone?? Just like it is "Politically Incorrect" to say Merry Christmas since not every one celebrates it. Well, you know what?? Too bad, if you see me around the holiday, I will wish you a Merry Christmas - politically correct or not!!
And yes, I believe in God - I was raised Catholic, just like I raised my kids. Like I tell everyone, we are not "Good" Catholics since we do not go to church but we have the Catholic beliefs.I still say my prayers! I don't care if a person believes in God, Budda or just a higher power - everyone is entitled to their own beliefs but if you move to this country, you have to except change - I am not talking change your religion or beliefs but don't try and change ours either.
I sure hope no one took offense to this since it was not meant to offend anyone, just voicing my opinion. And you know what they say about opinions!!:+ :+
>believe in God. Therefore, I have a very hard time
>understanding why there is such A mess about having "In God
>We Trust" on our money and having God in the Pledge of
>Allegiance. Why is the world catering to this 14%? AMEN!
>In God We Trust
>The only easy day,was yesterday -U S Navy Seals
I for one, do not feel we should have to cater to the 14%. Does any one know how long our money had "In God We Trusted" printed on it or how long ago was the Pledge of Allegiance said in school. I remember saying it every day until I graduated and I started school in 1965. My Dad, who is 80, says that they also started their school day with the Pledge. So why has it become such a big issue today?????
I don't think believing in God has anything to do with what is on our money or the Pledge of Allegiance, or our government certainly should not get wrapped up in this. I think it has more to do with the fact that we have so many different cultures moving to this country and they feel it is wrong for us to have "In God We Trust" on our money and the Pledge of Allegiance in our schools since they have different beliefs. Which is fine but why should we have to change our beliefs for anyone?? Just like it is "Politically Incorrect" to say Merry Christmas since not every one celebrates it. Well, you know what?? Too bad, if you see me around the holiday, I will wish you a Merry Christmas - politically correct or not!!
And yes, I believe in God - I was raised Catholic, just like I raised my kids. Like I tell everyone, we are not "Good" Catholics since we do not go to church but we have the Catholic beliefs.I still say my prayers! I don't care if a person believes in God, Budda or just a higher power - everyone is entitled to their own beliefs but if you move to this country, you have to except change - I am not talking change your religion or beliefs but don't try and change ours either.
I sure hope no one took offense to this since it was not meant to offend anyone, just voicing my opinion. And you know what they say about opinions!!:+ :+